Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trial Musings 11: The Defense Has A Witness

And his name is Joe.

Actually, I can't say I'm too surprised. After all the witnesses called by the prosecution, the defense has to put on some sort of case. Pretty darn near everyone involved in this case has already been called. So why not call Joe?

Oh you say, because he's a crazy loose cannon, who talks before he thinks? Well, maybe that's exactly why the defense wants him. To show how crazy he is, and how Harlow must have trembled in fear and trepidation in his presence.

But will Joe play that game? He was called to the stand during the Fannick fiasco, and, by all accounts seemed to do OK, after being properly prepped no doubt.

And what is Joe's agenda at this point? Does he have feelings for Harlow still, and will he try to say he did all the crime, and Harlow none (thus recanting his plea statement)? Or does he resent Harlow, and try to make sure he gets as good a sentence as he has (or worse)? Will Joe try to take a "Parthian shot" or two at people likely on his enemies list, like Sean and Grant? Keep in mind, he's got his life sentence; he can pretty much say whatever he wants, with little negative consequences to himself.

One thing certain about Joe...any side that wants to impeach his credibility and truthfulness should have no difficulty finding plenty of examples to do so with.


tt said...

Doesn't it seem strange that they would be transferring Kerkes from the state prison in Dauphin County to the Lackawanna County Jail now if he were going to testify for the defense?

That would indicate, if PC is correct in his timeline of when the prosecution will rest their case (Tuesday or Wednesday)that Kerkes would be sitting in a county jail for six or seven days just waiting to testify.

Seems like they would keep him where he has been processed and is known to the guards until the day before he was scheduled to testify just for security reasons alone.

Maybe he is going with the prosecution afterall unless they wrap their case tomorrow and the defense begins on a friday?

jim said...

Could be the defense wants to interview him in advance, and hence needs him nearby?

quickysrt said...

jim said...
Could be the defense wants to interview him in advance, and hence needs him nearby?

And they reserve their right to not use him too.

I can't see defense using him. I just can't

Anonymous said...

quickys back!!!! :))

Rob said...

Hi Quicky--

Your courthouse briefing statements are well thought out and detailed.

Rob said...

Oh great from whacky Renee to crazy Joe. The defense must be thinking that Joe will blow up in the courtroom again.

This trial gets better than the theatre at times.

quickysrt said...

Rob said...
Hi Quicky--

Your courthouse briefing statements are well thought out and detailed.

You are so welcome, thanks. My spelling is atrocious I know, or was it my typing skills, or was it the combination of both which makes me cringe when I read back what I wrote.

See - after a nearly eight hour court day, I could not sit for 3 hours more (at hotel) and write with any finesse. So I just went for the fast first impressions, and that seemed to be what many here wanted anyway. I wrote just the detail that stood out most to me as it happened without thinking too much.

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Thanks Quicky you did a Great job!

Anonymous said...

Yas, Quicky-
you did an incredible job!
Thank you!

Rob said...

Quicky writes, "My spelling is atrocious I know, or was it my typing skills . . . ."

Quicky in case you haven't noticed, we have all messed up on word choice and spelling from time to time. It comes with the medium and how worked up or pooped out we are when we are blogging.

Anyway, you have style and you are far more personable than Rona Barrett. And I would like to think better looking too.

Anonymous said...

Where is quickysrt posts at??????

jim said...

Court (and red carpet) watcher extraordinaire Quicky posts comments both here and over on PC's blog, Harlow and Joe... On Trial. Lots of good comments over there!