Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Poetry Contest

In this thread we choose
the blogger here whose
poetical muse
on Kocisphere news
preem'nence accrues.

What you got to lose?

Nominations open until May 12, then winners chosen by poll closing on the 15th.

Good luck!

Update: Because we were all pretty shaken up by the events of this weekend, I think I will push back the day for nominations on all the contests until May 13. Then Voting will begin.


Rob said...

For Jim and company--

Harlow and Joe tripping to Southern Cali
for to see Grant and Sean to sally to Black's Beach, to waylay fears of a concealed wire, bare the flesh and then the soul, to talk freely and not retire until the night of vile deeds is full revealed. Nothing much to the imagination is left concealed.

Harlow freely sings to Grant while Joe cooly seeks ways to cool Stud Wonder's rant. Few remarks pass Wonder Muffin's lips; Joe's eyes throw Harlow sharp looks while his hands rest on his lippoed hips.

Grant listens in poised disbelief; his concern is for his slender boy, consorting in close proximity to Harlow who might snap Sean's neck like a toy; how to bring Sean quick relief.

Later that day, long after this confession was made, El Mysterio can only sigh, "Harlow said too much. I just want to cry. The plans you laid. Damn it Harlow what have you done? God, you guys are condemned to a life on the run!" You see, on the plane, Joe got drunk, he was verily in a funk. Because efforts to rouse him were in vain, Joe had to be assisted off the plane. Harlow knew their plight, but he was relieved; his soul felt light.

For those intrepid men and women in blue listening in, winged Victory is in grasp which will come to pass May 15th 2007 when with papers signed by the appropriate Magistrate, bracelets about the wrists, behind the backs of the two miscreants, will clasp.

"They got us!" both men gasp as a patrol cruiser door opens and a perky, in shape, bubble-butted, badged hunk, pushes each suspect into the back of his car. In more auspicious times, a ride to the tom cat bordello, this time, no wink from Annette Funnicello; just the county clink, "Hope that joint don't stink," the ever fast on his feet Joe has time to think.

"Stud Wonder have no fear. Barry Taylor can defend us."

"God Almighty Joe, Barry Taylor? Do you know how many times I took him in my rear? He might as well have a lifetime pass to fuck my shapely little ass. We need to pay a retainer and get a real legal mind to fight the Bill of Attainder. You must obtain a Pennsylvania Yellow Pages; go through it in stages. Find a lawyer to take our case."

Joe, not quite tuned in, says "Yellow book? That thing that sits in our nook? There aren't many pictures in it worth a look."

"Joe," says Harlow. "You are not looking for a lawyer to fuck. You are looking for a lawyer to improve our miserable luck. Otherwise, we face Death and that really will suck!"

And so this saga moves along, waiting for Pennsylvania justice to bang her gong.

BB said...

Images can sometimes be seen as poetic.

Check this one out - it speaks volumes:

I offer this as a contribution to this thread, not as part of the contest.

Geoff Harvard said...


There once was a Prior of Kings
Whose mind was on unworldly things,
But his heart was on fire
For a boy in the choir
With an ass like jelly on springs.

Anonymous said...

I can't resist a poetry contest so:

This Corrigan boy
Oh Boy! Oh Boy!
He’s just to good to be true
He’s just what we need
Our financial seed
We just have to know what to do

This Corrigan lad
Too Bad! Too Bad!
He’s got so much trouble to face
He’s tied up in tort
By this vicious old sort
And no money to fight his just case

This Corrigan man
We Can! We Can!
We must see our plans come true
As they thought through their plight
Satan spoke to them that night
“You know what you must do”

Anonymous said...

Should have given my poem a title. I think I have settled on "The Corrigan Quest"

Rob said...


I like your poem. It speaks volumes, and it spotlights a most attractive celebrity with a human soul and demeanor.