Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Harlow Writes a Letter

A letter to the editor of Out magazine, interestingly enough.

Naturally about the Michael Gross article...he liked it!

I was too cheap to buy the issue (December), but that's pretty much what he wrote; not much more, not much less. Check it out for yourself!


Albert said...

The Michael Gross article is a series that is not yet complete. Is the next installment in this issue?

jim said...

A series??? Really??

I did not check for another story...darn you Albert, now you're gonna make me trudge back to the newsstand, arn't ya!!!!

Grumble grumble...

Rob said...


What do you make of the curious interchange between Penelope aka Sassy (a private investigator working for Harlow and Joe's first attorney) and Elm?

jim said...

I have no opinion on the subject.

jim said...

Well, OK, I suppose do have an opinion on that...and it can be summed up by reading the first sentence of this old post:

As to my opinion on anything Joe writes these days, dude ranches and Disney World comes to mind...

However...things don't just happen in a vacuum...and this latest barrage of verbal inanity might have some meaning.

Seems to me, Joe just got an EXTREMELY bad bit of news...and the Harlowites are going nutzo trying to put a positive spin on what can only be described as an UNMITIGATED DISASTER for them.

I sense a disturbance in the Force...a major announcement (we've all been expecting) seems imminent?

Eh, we'll see.

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Oct 15,,,,,Nov 13,,,,,
yep about right yes me thinks Joe got some news. Surprised he's not screaming & foaming at Harlow though,,,

jim said...

Yeah...Of course you have to remember that it is obviously not Joe writing this blog, but a crazed Harlowite.

OTOH we have to consider the possibility this whole thing is a hoax. Kinda like the hoax they tried to play, sending that someone a phony letter.

It obviously must get boring in prison.

Shrug. What-ev-ah...I'm not gonna work myself into a lather over this. Wait and see.

Rob said...

Jim & Dewayne--

Who would be up to such a devious, junior high type prank? Why do I keep thinking whopata, whopata with the whine of a jet engine?

jim said...

It looks like Jakester is now in on the hoax too. Shrug.

The collective groupg of Elm, "Penelope," Jakester, Harlow and Joe, must no doubt be very disappointed right now, at the fizzling of their hoax.

Oh well, back to important matters.

Anonymous said...

I would like to hear about a Pysche evaluation on Harlow. In a death sentence case I wonder if they do that. I really would not be surprised to find out he has the mental capacity of someone 1/2 his age.
Even when I was 12, I knew when to keep my mouth shut [most of the time].
I am serious about what a competent professional would say his "normal" mental state is.

quickysrt said...

I would think a Psyche evaluation would not be done before a trial, too much evidence could be collected.

But do you think Penelope would still be in on the case with Harlow's first attorney no out?

I'm guessing Penelope is the PI as stated. I don't know that for a fact, but it sounds right.

Also, it is interesting that Harlow's blog has gathered no need comments in over three weeks now. Unless they are being saved for filtering out the spam and harrasing hate mail?

But it seems everything is on hold for the holidays which started way way early this year I did notice. God I would hate to spend the all the holidays in the slammer.