Saturday, March 12, 2011

Victory Day 2011

To all of you who managed to remember that I'm back open for business today...WELCOME! And Happy Victory Day!!

Well here we are, and another year gone by. And not a whole lot has changed in what was once known as the "Kocisphere," it seems. From a perusal of PC's second blog: Harlow and Joe are still in jail. Harlow is unsuccessfully appealing his sentence, while being successfully appealing to a new pen pal in England. And PC's book has been horribly, horribly delayed (but is now back on track and due out soon).

I guess I'll go ahead and comment on some of that, as well as provide some of my famed "musings" on other matters that have come up this past year as well. And then we'll see which way the reunion discussion drifts from there.

Victory Day 2011: The Blurb Symposium

As some of you may recall from the last comment I made last year, today was supposed to our "Book Symposium." We were supposed to have all read PC's book by today, and perhaps the autobiographical account Brent Corrigan has been promising as well. Well, neither of those books materialized, as yet.

I can't say I'm that surprised Brent hasn't gotten around to writing his. Talented though he is in certain respects, it's perhaps expecting a bit much for a 20-something to discipline his time sufficiently to crank out a serious book. From his most recent blog post mentioning it, he's currently commenced concurrent composition on some sort of new literary frivolity:

"What else?! Well, I’m working on two books at the moment. The second, latest project is a lot easier for me. This book isn’t so introspective or heavy. It’s something that cums naturally to this three time award winner of a particular sexual position . . . a less serious project, something I had not realized I was such an authority on until a new friend came to me on advice on how to become a better bitch, er, I mean, bottom."
And PC's book was delayed by reasons completely outside his control (more on that later). But he has a new publisher now, and they've composed a good-sized blurb:

"Cobra Killer presses the “play ” button to uncover the real world of online pornography--an industry that generates billions in revenue and makes ordinary people overnight-stars and millionaires.

For the first time, authors Conway and Stoner tell in full detail the twisted story of a pair of young, aspiring gay adult film producers whose quest for fame at any cost leads to the gruesome murder of the man who stands in their way, gay porn entrepreneur Brian Kocis. News of the killing of the 44-year-old (stabbed 28 times, his throat slashed to near decapitation of his head) in his suburban home sends shock waves through the bucolic Pennsylvania town. Neighbors are horrified to hear about the murder but equally astonished to learn that Kocis ran a small but thriving online porn operation from his home, sometimes employing underage young men as models.

The murder investigation leads police and prosecutors to the far reaches of the country, from Virginia to New York City, to Las Vegas, and to a nude beach in San Diego where investigators facilitate an incredible clandestine suspect surveillance. The manhunt nets a former U.S. Navy veteran and a former Marine, turned male models, turned hustlers, turned porn producers, who ultimately land at the bottom of a delusional conspiracy. Twenty-six-year-old Harlow Cuadra and his 35-year-old partner and lover Joseph Kerekes are implicated and eventually convicted in the brutal January 2007 murder of Kocis. Their motive? An ill-conceived attempt to lure a rising gay porn star named Brent Corrigan away from the grips of Kocis and into their crumbling, self-built porn empire.

Cobra Killer takes readers into the sometimes alluring, sometimes dangerous and often surprising world of gay porn and the deceit, schemes, and ultimate betrayals lying underneath the fantasy."
And so, instead of a book symposium, we'll have to settle for a blurb symposium this year. So, discuss!

The Regent Media Scandal

I actually knew about PC's book deal with Alyson Books being in jeopardy back in August, when I read this Queerty post about Michael Musto's troubles with the same company. "Oh no, PC's book..." I thought.

Sure enough, on October 1 Alyson went e-book only, and I had a hunch PC would be having none of that. I was right.

So why did Alyson Books, a wholly-owned subsidiary of gay media conglomerate Regent Media (also owners of "Out, The Advocate, here! TV,, and a slew of porn properties") collapse into a rinky-dink e-book publisher? Well, THATS an interesting story. The blog Queerty broke the details, which I'll bet you won't find written about in Out or The Advocate.

Basically, Regent Media is a scam. Instead of making money from the legitimate profits from their companies, the owners of Regent subsisted off the proceeds of a fraudulent loans in the amount of $90 million dollars. They apparantly lived the high life in West Hollywood until the funds ran dry. Then they tried to sell assets like Alyson Books; when that failed, they simply allowed them to wither.

What's most interesting to me is the means by which they conned Bank of America and Merrill Lynch out of that $90 million dollars:

"In order to score $90 million in loans from Bank of America and Merrill Lynch, Regent allegedly created fake movie licensing and distribution deals and passed them off to the banks as legitimate contractual relationships that would drive future revenue."
Italics mine.

These fake movie deals were between Regent and some shell companies secretly created and controlled by Regent. And what was it about about these films, that Regent needed to create puppet entities to make fake distribution deals with?

"Defendants knew that these marketing and release strategies and distribution budgets would never be adhered to or executed and that they were inappropriate for the scope of the, more often than not, low-quality straight to DVD film titles, but submitted them to Plaintiffs anyway,..."
Hyperlink mine.

So anyways, we now know the answer to a question that's had us puzzled for a while: How and why a pile of poop like John Roeker's EYWTKAGPS*bwata got made in the first place. Answer: It was all part and parcel of $90 million bank swindle. Here TV needed dreck like that in their inventory, so that they could execute fake deals between shell companies to fraudulently turn it into overinflated collateral.

So there you have it! Yet one more mystery of this murder saga, solved in the due course of time.

Harlow Cuadra's Illegal "Cell" Phone

On December 14, 2010 PC made a brief mention of the passing of Joe Kerekes father, complete with a link to a condolences page. Well, imagine my surprise when I saw this entry in the condolences, posted on the same day and only two hours after PC's blog post:

At first I thought this was some imposter's sick attempt at a joke. I could see prison officials letting Joe get a brief moment of supervised computer access to post an appropriate farewell (which he did), but Harlow? No way in hell. Prisoners obviously don't have unfettered access to surf the web and leave comments (I think some prisons may grant access to closed law-related networks like Lexis for legal research, but that's about the extent of it). General internet access for inmates is a BIG NO-NO, for so many obvious reasons I'm sure I don't need to expound on them.

But then I ran across articles like this. Hoo boy.

And you notice how "joe" above is not capitalized? Exactly the sort of shortcut one tends to makes when typing out a message on a smartphone.

I think we all see what's going on here. Obviously, Pennslyvania prisons officials need to confiscate Harlow's contraband phone immediately. He needs to have his cell raided and every square inch of it gone over with a fine tooth comb; he needs to be frogmarched to the nearest inspection room, stripped, and forcibly cavity searched; whatever it takes until this phone is found.

And once it's found, Harlow should be given the Bradley Manning treatment for at least a month in solitary, as punishment for this flagrant violation.

I realize from that article and others that cell phone smuggling is rampant in prisons nationwide, but you have to start combating the problem somewhere. So, lets start by making an example of Harlow. It's ridiculous IMO that he could be reading this very blog right now, with impunity. So, lets take away the impunity by calling attention to it, shall we? Somebody here must know somebody who knows somebody in the PA Department of Corrections, so lets bring this matter to their attention by forwarding them this link.

The Cult of Harlow

And on the subject of Harlow's fans, well, what can I say except: LOL! It's a shame that blog and those videos are no more, as they were indeed entertaining.

But I did manage to run across this. As you may note, it's a closed Facebook group; no one can get in without permission. So who's in there, and what they are saying???

As my previous musing indicates...Harlow could very well be a participant. If's he's using an illegal cell phone, then there's nothing stopping him for creating a Facebook profile. And this would explain why the group is a closed one.

If that's the case, then they could all be plotting a prison break in there, for all we know. All the more reason, I say, for this illegal phone to be confiscated by prison authorities post haste.

The RyanPaul ... On Trial

Well, this is interesting, to say the least.

And by a curious coincidence, the case was just wrapped up a couple of days ago. It appears Ryan Paul Martinez got a plea-bargained sentence of 4 years and 4 months, as tweeted by Grant Roy, with barely restrained glee:

I gather Grant and Ryan Paul were not exactly chummy.

As a matter of fact, you can pretty much follow the entire criminal case by just scrolling down Grant's Twitter feed for the past 150 days or so. It's kind of a mini version of PC's blog, with each post under 140 characters long.

I guess I have three observations to make:

1) Chris Henriquez. Bryan Kocis. Grant Roy. And now Ryan Paul Martinez. Does anyone else see the pattern here?

Like I said above, Brent is certainly a man of many talents, but I think it's fair to say at this point mate selection does not seem to be one of them. All of the above, in my opinion seem to...well how should I put this? Have a few rough edges?

2) It would appear that I was a bit ungenerous to Michael Lucas when I downplayed the danger he was in (see folks, when I think I'm wrong, I'll fess up to it); and

3) I must say, besides this small Porn Truth site, I'm surprised this story did not get picked up by any of the other reputable gay porn web sites and blogs. You could argue, I suppose, that Brent's boyfriend was a non-porn star, and hence off-limits. But OTOH, he wasn't exactly a "civilian" (in the Godfather Part I sense of the word) either, as evidenced by that incident between he and Lucas at the GAYVNs.

Maybe all the other reputable gay porn sites collectively came to the conclusion that Brent had suffered enough the past few years, and needed to be cut some slack on this one? Who knows. Personally I think it was foolish for Brent to try to sweep the matter under the table on his blog, pretending his "Papi" wasn't behind bars. He would have been better off just being honest with his fans from the get go (which is a lesson Mason Wyler seems to have learned, based on what I've read about him and his latest escapades).

And one question: Will Brent really wait 4 years and 4 months for this guy to get out of the slammer? Or will he move/has he moved on?

Oh well, those are my musings for this year, folks. This blog is now open until Easter, so let the Victory Day reunion comments commence!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 316 of 316
Ernie said...

This is really off topic for this blog but since twitter and certain individual’s tweets were brought up I just thought I would suggest checking out for their analysis of the influence of these individuals. I don’t know how the score is derived but I’m sure it’s the same for all. Everett=68 Corrigan=65 Grey=63.

jim said...

"The case has rather sensationl aspects, so that angle is not so out there at all. It just seems a 180 from what PC said last year going by the blurp."

You always need to put the juicy stuff in the blurb, I guess!

jim said...

"Not sure how it plays into the timeline, but perhaps Mason Wyler became HIV+ when he was raped in that brutal attack a while back, no?"

Hahahaha! You know, I actually thought about that too, back at the time I first read the whole drama.

I think it's noteworthy Mason opted not to raise that possibility himself. :-)

jim said...

All about Klout:

Ernie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeWayne In San Diego said...

Klout Scores (53) LOL well at least they have tried to improve the methodology still most of the key topics for me missed by a mile..

San Diego; ugh they just pulled that from my profile..

Magic; ???

Ryan Conners; (Okay I talk with a lot of porn stars but Brent Everett more than any other name)

The Beatles; (may have mentioned them once)

David Cameron; (I am VERY political but more about AMERICAN politics)

Jury Duty; Now this is funny I have repeated frequently the story of HOW I have been "exempt" from Jury service (criminal cases alas not civil) going back TEN years (I used to be called every 18 months on average)

Two words make you CONTAMINATED as far as the Judicial System is concerned.

The last case I was up for was a nasty little murder trial (lasted 6 weeks)

I got out of it by stating I embraced Jury Nullification as the legal right of every jury!

But I discussed that most on this blog Jim! Not Twitter!

Hmm maybe our Klout score refers to what

sticks to us

Of course they filtered out the most discussed topic on my twitter

Gay AND Porn

hmmm maybe they are "sanitising results"

asim said...

"You don't say."

Surprising isn't it!!! but it a relief to confirm you and will g are on the same wavelenght on this blog.

asim said...

"And knowing what I know about the author's style, it's going to be a trash talkin' read"

I am really curious, How is the author's style
So, you agree with Grant, the visionario, who says it is a bullshit book?

asim said...

"Asim DK luvs tension the only thing he has in his life ;-p "

dewayne, I couldn't say it better;)

asim said...

intresting article, jim

quickysrt said...

asim said...
"And knowing what I know about the author's style, it's going to be a trash talkin' read"

I am really curious, How is the author's style
So, you agree with Grant, the visionario, who says it is a bullshit book?

Trash Talkin' does not necessarily mean lies and in total B.S. Just trashy!

It means National Enquire style, whom by the way have not been sued for libel in many a moons.

We've gotten a taste of the prose of P.C. now and again. It's not Dominick Dunne, nor Truman Copote. (LOL)

Can't comment on the book's virtues until we've read it.

asim said...

Dewayne, I have been lurking in your tweets :)and I am a bit surprised you often tweet Jayden Gray. Maybe I am not very sharp but if there is something intresting in this boy, it certainly escapes me...talent?, beauty?, sense of humour?, sex appeal? please throw light on this for me...
As I said on an older post, It seems very strange that only Erernie and Woody reproached Jayden for his miserable behaviour on twiter (when he called brent a murderer).

Grant you didn't say a world despite the fact he was tacitly calling you a murderer too.

will g said...

"Grant you didn't say a world despite the fact he was tacitly calling you a murderer too."

Of course I tweeted that to Jayden, didn't get any coherent response. But DeWayne then informed me that Jayden's unique theory of the case had Harlow and Sean plotting the murder behind the backs of both Grant and Joe who were unaware of what they were doing, or something nonsensical like that. So Sean was a murderer but Grant was somehow exonerated in Jayden's scenario.

As I said before, I think Jayden was just spouting off to get attention, obviously he didn't really believe what he was saying about Sean or he wouldn't have become friendly with him weeks later and posed for pictures with him at the Cybersockets. Unless he likes being pals with murderers. That's why I thought it was so silly for The Sword to give him the attention he was so obviously seeking.

Albert said...

will g said...
"I would like to know what you, Albert, Dewayne and Willg think about the way Grant has behaved after Sean ended their relationship..."

Grant and Brent have both behaved according to their nature.

The relationship between Grant and Brent was subjected to more strain in two years than any relationship should have in a lifetime. I would not now call them enemies in any way. There is just so much emotional memory, they need to keep their distance.

I have been in Grant's house several times. Of course DeWayne and I took some pictures by the pool and palm trees. Wouldn't you? Actually my son Donald took the photos. This backyard, fireplace and the bedroom Brent Corrigan occupied are part of history now.

Jayden Grey lived in Grant's house for a while. I recall some online commentator accusing Jayden of causing the breakup between Brent and Grant. Jayden entered the picture about a year after that breakup happened.

I was a bit surprised at Jaydens unwarranted disparaging of Brent. I responded to him immediatly on twitter regarding the pointless assault. He toned down but continued for a while.

Jayden, Grant, DeWayne, a twink and I watched a Harry Potter movie, smoked and ate Pizza. Jayden was responsible for loading the pipe and he always handed it to this old man first. He has my thumb up. :) Jayden came to work Austin Pride for Fleshjack and I spent the evening with him taking photos. Most of the night, Jayden was wearing a white athletic supporter and nothing else. OK, for a while he dangled a 'Mr. Limpy' rubber dick from his jock. Jayden is polite, soft spoken and humorous in person. He bought a smoked turkey leg for a snack and insisted I take pictures of him eating it. Taking pictures of ANYBODY eating is a very risky thing, almost certain to fail. Jayden knew what he was doing and all the turkey leg pics turned out great.

Brent Corrigan has not performed in front of a camera in a porn role in over a year. Next month, two of his movies are scheduled to be released. Both are gay oriented but not porn. Brent is hitting auditions, keeping a rediculosly low fat diet, studying acting, voice and riding his horsey.

There was a time just 5 years ago when Brent Corrigan Online was a daily stop (or more.) It now appears not even Brent goes to his blog but about once every two weeks. As DeWayne pointed out, Brent does not tweet very often either.

Brent came to Houston for 4 nights thanksgiving week. The venue was familiar to both of us as I had photographed him in that same shower on stage a year prior.

We spent some time together. Sean is like everyone else, a person with limited talents trying to make a living in this world. He is now just trying to do so in a more respectable manner.

Brent is coming back to Texas for the release of one of his new movies at a drive-in theater near Dallas. I am invited and looking forward to it. Photography will be an interesting challange.

I met Paul and found nothing offensive. He and I tweeted. I can see in Paul and Grant, certain similar positive attributes. Paul screwed up, maybe out of percieved necessity but if he and Sean are or were in love, they are both suffering. 4 years, 4 months with parole could pass quickly or very slowly.

Porn is a buisness P.T. Barnum could manage well. Try to seperate the reality from the fantasy. It's really not that hard. The fantasy part is the more titilating.

Sometimes being an attention whore is just advertising. Sometimes attention is forced upon us. I think Mr. Barnum would welcome both on somebody else.

asim said...

Will, I am glad you tweeted him saying that. The only explanation I can come up with for his behaviour is that he is mentally ill apart from(as you said) being desperate for attention. Totally agree with you about The Sword article. don't understand why almost everyone laughs at his antics.

will g said...

amin, I know this is off-topic (sorry Jim), but you said to Geoff:

"btw, I am following you on twitter(update is required!!:)"

@GeoffHarvard has 9 followers on Twitter, none of them appear to be you. Can you clarify? I'm only asking because on the other blog Geoff appears to have made the absurd charge that you're DK, who IS one of his followers. At any rate, he charmingly opined, "21-year old university student, my ass."

Just so you know, Geoff doesn't think ANYBODY on the internet is who they say they are, so don't take it personally.

asim said...

"But DeWayne then informed me that Jayden's unique theory of the case had Harlow and Sean plotting the murder behind the backs of both Grant and Joe who were unaware of what they were doing"

What a curiuous theory!! It is indeed unique!!It deserves to be included in Peter's book, don't you agree Grant?? Now I can undertand why you didn't feel offended at all by Jayden proven stupidity.

will, thanks a lot for your post

asim said...

quickysrt said...

"We've gotten a taste of the prose of P.C. now and again. It's not Dominick Dunne, nor Truman Copote. (LOL)"

My question was not about PC. It was about Andrew E. Stoner, the co-author of "Cobra Killer" (Sorry Grant, but this is the little creative and crearly improvable book title :))

asim said...

Will,is geoff getting crazy??!!! I am 21 years old student. I dont have any account on twwiter. When I say I am following Geoff, or dewayne or you, I mean I am lurking in yout tweets(say this on an older post)(hope it isn't a crime :)

Geoff, you owe me an apology!!!but still like the way you write:)

Will, thanks for your advice and hope you dont't mind me reading your tweets;)

will g said...

OMG for some reason I've been calling asim "amin" today! How careless of me. Sorry asim.

asim said...

"21-year old university student, my ass."

Geoff, you are very very charming. Any problem with my age??!!!. I am a 21 yeras old Spanish Philology student. Is my age a problem for you?? Can you tell me why??

Te lo diré en español Geoff, me debes una disculpa!!!

asim said...

Albert, thank you so much for answering me with such a briliant post!!!

asim said...

Albert, I really like the way you have portrayed all the characters in this play. As real as life itself.
However, my perception of Jayden is so negative that I can`t imagine him being polite or soft spoken:)
Thank you again for your post!!

asim said...

Will, don't worry, it's cool.

I am still stunned by the " geoff's unique theory". To be fair, I find this really amusing:)

Will, any theory about the theory??

will g said...

asim, I'm afraid we're getting our crackpots confused, the "unique theory" was Jayden's, not Geoff's, though God knows he has many "unique theories" of his own.

I won't attempt an analysis of Jayden's, I did only get it second-hand from DeWayne after all. Jayden has never expounded on it publicly, so perhaps it's unfair for me to put words in his mouth. Though given how close he is to Grant, if that was/is his "theory," it makes you wonder where it came from...

asim said...

While laughing at "21-year old university student, my ass" posted by the ever brilliant Geoff, I felt the strange need to know how old he is...

Albert said...

Thanks Asim. You can see the blog post of my Austin adventure. I will put one of the turkey shots on my Flickr account but it will be black and white. I am using an antique XP computer that is fried but but still functions.

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Albert summed up so well I don't have much I can add.

Except I have tried to be fair and understanding to everyone.

I even gave Paul the benefit of (despite VERY REAL doubt),,until he violated trust with everyone.

In Jayden Greys defense I will point out his actual demeanor is totally different than his Twitter. Like a lot of 20 somethings he uses Twitter to trash talk,to get attention and to be a different character.

In real life Jayden is loyal, mature,funny,sexual,good looking and in porn I have yet to see anything but amazing performances.

He and Brent had some real issues dating to 2009 but they met (in January) and cleared it up and have moved on. Which shows real maturity from both!

There is too much drama and negativity in porn among a great many pornstars so anytime two can work thru their issues I am happy.

Albert said...

Here is a picture of Jayden with his turkey leg and another of him working the crowd. This is where I believe I excell. Low light photography in real life situations. DeWyane knocked this one out of the park with his balloons and comments.

Albert said...

This is a photo I took of jayden with the turkey leg.

This is a shot of Jayden in his BLACK jock. My memory continues to fail me. Getting older but I have plans to reverse that.

asim said...

will, unique can describe both surrealistic theories.
I just wanted to know your opinion about geoff's theory about me:)

btw, he is giving a master lesson about bullfighting in Barcelona on the other blog!!!

asim said...

"In real life Jayden is loyal, mature,funny,sexual,good looking and in porn I have yet to see anything but amazing performances"

dewyne, ...maybe I am blind, but I find this guy extremily undesirable, unappealing, unintesting, short, the oposite of Brent.
should I watch one of his movies to change my mind?:) I'm not interested in porn but in Brent's life.

asim said...

"Getting older but I have plans to reverse that"

really witty:)
albert, thanks a lot for posting your photos

asim said...

Dewayne said…
“He and Brent had some real issues dating to 2009 but they met (in January) and cleared it up and have moved on. Which shows real maturity from both!”

I can imagine the conversation:
Jayden saying, “ sorry, brent, for calling you a murderer, I didn't really mean that, sorry for wanting all the things you have (or had) that I don’t: grant, grant’s house( backyard, pool, room, desk), “real name recognition world wide”, 37k followers, two no porn gay movies to release, etc, etc”
And brent saying, “I forgive you because you didn’t know what you were doing”
To sum up, Brent is no angel but a saint!!!
A person who call somebody a murderer to get attention is anything but mature.

asim said...

Dewayne said...

"In Jayden Greys defense I will point out his actual demeanor is totally different than his Twitter. Like a lot of 20 somethings he uses Twitter to trash talk,to get attention and to be a different character"

I am his age, and I don't know anybody who uses twitter to get attention calling somebody a murderer.
It is Brent who deserved to be defended. he was the offended!
The world is upside down on Twitter!

jim said...

Marie Brentoinette.

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Asim you only know half the story Jayden never said what caused the drama. I know and am not about to publicly repeat it.

BTW our brilliant sometimes pornstar,sex worker,Good Handy coat check boy, cum writer for several "celeb sites" Canadian pornster Jeremy Feist has written a blog post on the
"crazy factor" as it applys to Gay Porn.

Jayden figures in his equations as well as sexy freaky Jake Lyons and Dawson Riley

Fucking Your Brains Out: The Crazy-Hot Scale As It Is Applies To Gay Porn via @JeremyFeistxxx

asim said...

Thanks for the post Jim. You have just ruined my day!:-)

Brent (maybe he reads this blog),

OMG!!What have you done?
I can't defend the indefensible...

asim said...

"Asim you only know half the story Jayden never said what caused the drama. I know and am not about to publicly repeat it."

What a pity! I would like to know the whole story.

Thank you for the post, dewayne. Intresting article.

asim said...

GEOFF, acccording to many people on this blog you are "much more" than a very conflited person. Any comments on that? I am not judging you, just asking. You answered me on an older post that you don’t follow porn models, does that include Brent?

I don't like bullfighting but I am against its prohibition. As you said, it is part of Spanish cultural tradition.

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Jim Marie Brentoinette needed the services of makeup wiz Johnny Rocket alas the boy is living in the Virgin Islands.

Johnny was in the theater here in San Diego and assisted on several of Brents DVD's..

Geoff Harvard said...

"GEOFF, acccording to many people on this blog you are "much more" than a very conflicted person. Any comments on that?"


Geoff Harvard said...

"Jim Marie Brentoinette needed the services of makeup wiz Johnny Rocket alas the boy is living in the Virgin Islands."

This was a funny idea, but Brent is no Chris Crocker or Andej Pajic.

Ernie said...

I just want to admit that I had here posted some negative comments about some people but thought better of it and deleted them. In the back of my mind was this movie I saw a while back called WarGames. The internet can be something like that. A game where you don’t have to face someone you attack or the real consequences of it. The problem is words are powerful and can hurt as much or more than a punch in the nose. Where does it end? Who wins? No one wins and it never ends. So maybe this lesson is sinking into a hardened bunker of a head. Just like the lesson of nuclear war in WarGames, all the histrionics and bad temper over perceived personalities online gets nowhere.

The only winning move is not to play.

Thanks for the blog Jim.

asim said...

never thought I would ever see such an unappealing brent:(
Badly advised??

jim said...

Good figure though.

And also, if any of you had saw him in that, would you have recognized him?

asim said...

of course, I would ...from the very first moment I had seen his blue star:)

asim said...

I said...

"It seems very strange that only Ernie and Woody reproached Jayden for his miserable behaviour on twiter (when he called brent a murderer).

Ernie, thanks for that.

jim said...

...Mason Wyler whom I worked with in a safe movie for Suite 703, has now gone bareback, saying that he wanted to keep doing porn but the offers weren't coming in for safe stuff. I find his excuse very disturbing personally. As porn stars we are teachers. Younger kids look to your movies as educational, and emulate what we do. We have a responsibility to teach behavior that is very fun, very hot, very sexy, and VERY SAFE. It can't be all about the money. Making porn is such a small part of our lives, but the scenes will be around for years and years, even when I'm old and gray, people will get off to them. I love this. I love porn myself, it's a great thing....

will g said...

He finally changed his Adam4Adam profile!

Okay, he does say he enjoys "rubberless penetration," but at least he's honest about his status. You can't have everything.

asim said...

Jim, although it seems like I am the only one interested, I would like to go back over the Ryan Paul Martinez story.
I know it is a minor mater (the Bryan kocis's case fixed the measuring rod too high!) but I still think there is something that doesn’t fit. It is hard to understand why the imprisonment of the most “mediatic” pornstar’s boyfriend has only been commented on Grant’s tweeter(I am looking forward to reading your posts) and on this blog.
Brent is a really disconcerting boy (IMO). Even though the man “ he loves most in the Universe” (brent dixit) is in jail, he seems to be enjoying his life more than ever...(maybe he suffers a lot, but he doesn’t show it).

I know, I should be studying for my exams instead of speculating fruitlessly :-)

Albert said...

Off to watch a movie and get chemically altered on this fine Saturday afternoon. Just so you know I am not thinking of you but of ME, here is DeWayne and I in Grants backyard. Photography by my son, Donald in Texas. :)

will g said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
asim said...

Will, I am not talking about starting a thread on this. Just wondering the reasons why the so- called brent's haters(e.g DK)have not even mentioned it. Feel so sorry for Grant. Much ado about nothing:)

asim said...

Where have I seen this pool before??...:-)

thanks for the photos, Albert and enjoy the movie!

asim said...

Albert...Any romantic photos of Brent and Grant swimming in that Mythical Pool??:-)

will g said...

Asim I just don't know that there's much else to say about it. The consensus of the blogosphere seems to be that this is either of little interest to a general readership or, Eric being a "civilian" not connected to the industry, that he's not "fair game" and it's off limits. That is, if they even know about it. I think it's flown under most people's radar.

Of course, if someone wanted to take matters into their own hands and get a discussion going about it online, one could go to one of the gay-porn forums like JustUsBoys or ATKOL and start a thread on the topic...

will g said...

Sorry, now this thread is confusing because I deleted and reposted the comment Asim is responding to. Among other mistakes, I called him "Amin" again!

ASIM, as has already been mentioned by Jim, DK did mention it.

Why do you feel so sorry for Grant?

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Will just shows how far DK has sunk into irrelevancy no one pays attention when he posts (when and if his site is up an working) and pornstars call him out on Twitter.

he is a mighty mouse who squeaks pitifully while being ignored ;-)

Albert said...

asim said...
Albert...Any romantic photos of Brent and Grant swimming in that Mythical Pool??:-)

San Diego is about three degrees of latitude north of San Antonio and is located on the edge of our largest ocean. DeWayne and I had dinner one night at Nati's Mexican Restaurant at 1852 Bacon Street. Parking was free there. After dinner, (about 8 PM PST) we went for a walk on the peer. We got half way out and the breeze off the ocean was just too cold for this Texan. We turned around and went to my hotel room.

The first time I put my hand in Grant's pool, it felt relatively warm but he said he found it cold.

The hot tub may be OK when it is on but the cost must be considered.

No, I have no pics of Grant in the pool at all.

If you look back at the photographic record, there are relatively few pictures of people in this pool.

Not exactly 'Every Poolboy's Dream.' :)

asim said...

yes Will, DK mentioned it in october 2010 but not now he is in jail!!

"Sorry" for Grant because he is alone in his revengeful crusade against mr. martinez and brent and very few people are paying attention to him:-(

looking forward to your updates on twitter, grant:-)

btw...Why don't you like my name?? it is of Arbic origin and means "protector" :-)

asim said...

Where have I seen this mythical pool before??...:-)

mmm...I got it...on Jayden's twitter... so, I have to withdrawn the word "mythical"
and write "ordinary" :-(

albert, thanks for sharing your memories:-)

asim said...

Do you think that a porn star with a very controversial past could succeed in the mainstream industry?
I have watched the Big Gay Musical and in The Closet and he did a pretty decent job (IMO).

It amazes me the power that he has over his fans. The number of his followers keep growing although he updates his tweets very occasionally.
Btw, Albert, are you going to the Judas Kiss premiere?...I am sure you would take some great pictures there:-)

Albert said...

I do not expect to be at the Judas Kiss premiere. Too expensive and no money.

I plan on going to the premiere of 'Chillerama.' Near Dallas. I have a brother near there. It has been nearly 20 years since I was at a Drive-in theater.

Thanks for asking.

asim said...

How lucky you are!!

Thanks Albert, any opnions about brent's mainstream career?

asim said...

Message to Yves Mignon: being young doesn’t mean being an idiot but I am really appreciate your “objective” advice. Please Tell DK I am looking forward for his Brent/Quadra article and remind him that Brent Corrigans’s Judass Kiss will be released on April 1st, just in case he decides to attend the Official Premiere Show…
Very kind of you to spell my name right.(Will, don’t take it personally:-))

asim said...

"Asim: did you know DK has been quoted by Michael Musto, the Advocate and interviewed on TV by channel 13 when Harlow and Joe were arrested"

No I did'n but I hope that both article and interview are available on the net...

Geoff Harvard said...

What do you think the typical income of a day player in indie films is? How about the owner of a website of one centered around his own personality? When I was editing copy at a daily newspaper for $104 a week, I paid $110 a month rent and did without heat when the landlord refused to repair the gas heater. My dad reluctantly paid my Exxon bill. I ate beans and rice. So if you are paying rent and utilities and going out to restaurants and taking frequent trips to LA and dressing up for Halloween and Mardi Gras and coveting $568 casual overcoats and putting gas in the car and flying up to a vacation in SF, where is the money coming from to pay for that? Not casting aspersions, just asking.

asim said...

"where is the money coming from to pay for that? Not casting aspersions, just asking"

I don't have the slightlest idea where the money comes... please throw light on this for me! :-)

Grant said...

I spent between $300k and half a million dollars (conservative figures, not including my time, pain and incalculable suffering) on the nearly 5 years we were together... I continued to provide major support for about a year into his and "Papi's" relationship... He (Papi) was already a criminal... So I can imagine the pressure he had to try to keep Mr. Corrigan happy... Luckily I had a trust and investments from prior enterprises... Trust me Mr.Asim(admin) whoever you are... if anybody got the short end of the stick it was me... with plenty of help from those around me that I trusted... and the convicted criminal was instrumental in the destruction of our relationship... whatever was left of it after Bryan, Harlow and Joe were done! I'm currently in Texas enjoying some quality time with my family... Once I return to SD, I will make available all (or whatever I deem fit) the information about the low-life, leach, Mr.Martinez...

Oh and for the record, I negotiated the terms for his role in Another Gay Sequel, Big Gay Musical and various other roles for which I have been given no credit! Also I shot all the scenes for "Working Hard" myself and gave my blessing on BC's Heat but had no role in the production (which is why it sucks so bad) Brent has produced little or no adult content since our split, primarily because Papi was so possessive and extremely jealous of his career and our continuing business relationship at the time... Oh and I originally set up his Twitter account... I threatened to tweet live from the Grabby's in 2009 as him to prove to him it's worth... It wasn't until he went in for rehearsals and found out that Chi Chi and other were using it... that he changed his mind and decided, maybe this was something he should be doing... That's just one of dozens and dozens of examples of me trying to guide the boy in the right direction... I always wanted and still to this day want was best for him! and photos of Sean and I together affectionately? I have plenty of those too... But at the time, we consciously chose to keep that part of our life private it... we felt that was best for us and his career... the real true fans understood our bond and that's all that mattered... BTW Asim, who do you think took all those pictures that captured the story that skyrocketed him to the top? They caught your attention didn't they? ;)

Now all the haters can bash and make all the unsubstantiated claims you've all made for years now... I'm use to it! I'm gonna go enjoy the rest of my visit with my family and head to the airport and pick up my close friend, room mate and production assistant (former Cobra Model) Mikey Knoxville... He's flying out with (Dickie) Dukie, the cute little white Chihuahua that appeared in numerous photos on his blog and made a few cameos in several of our productions... He's (Dukie) all I have left from my former family that was... I didn't want to drive back alone and Mr. Knoxville offered to come out and assist me with the drive back... Once we're done here in Texas, we're driving back my new Titan Pickup that I purchased for my business and my current partner, so we have extra utility and transportation for productions and so he has something to drive around once he returns home from Australia. Later folks...

Now continue... I'm sure there will be some entertaining reading after this one! ;)

>grant (copyrighted) I own it!

asim said...

Mr. Roy,

First of all, thank you for taking the time to answer me. Much appreciated!

I am just a 21 one Spanish university student not really interested in the Adult Industry but in Brent’s life (among other many things).

“I spent between $300k and half a million dollars (conservative figures, not including my time, pain and incalculable suffering) on the nearly 5 years we were together... I continued to provide major support for about a year into his and "Papi's" relationship...”

I am absolutely sure that you really loved and cared about Brent despite the hard circumstances that surrounded your relationship. I even believe you are still in love with him, but this is a guess, not a fact.

After reading your post, the "only conclusion" I have come up with is that Brent is a miserable and ungrateful boy who despised all your hard work and effort “ to guide him into the right direction”. Maybe it is true but isn't there anything positive to say about him?...

If you really gave support to Brent and Papi relationship, I have to say you are the most generous man on earth!!

As for Mr. Martínez story, he is already paying dearly for his crimes, isn’t he?
What I can't understand is the way you have reported on this story, too full of rage and bitterness. I thought you were much classier than that.

To be fair, I also think Brent is a very changeable and moody boy. I find it quite disconcerting that he seems to enjoy his life more than ever, now “Papi” is in jail.

Finally, I would like you to answers the questions I am most interested in:

Why didn’t you say a word about the Jayden Gray’s pathetic comment on Brent ?

Is it true you hit Brent and he asked for a restraining order against you? If it false, then Brent is a despicable liar, If not…….

Thanks again for your post.

Btw, though I don’t like how you have managed Mr, Martinez story, I think you are a very interesting guy and, of course, I love your photos of Brent ;-)

Looking forward for your updates on Twitter.

asim said...

Elmysterio said on Twitter


@BrentCorrigan looking good the hard work has paid off"

I can't agree with you more:-)

GRANT, don't get mad at me, but I am sure you do agree with me too.. ;-)

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Grant Mikey is SKYLER? Damn Cody Lockhart's ex okay I KNOW you must have told me that at some point.

I am horrible with names never forget the face!

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Oh Geoff Brent's website makes plenty of money, add the Fleshjack deal,AEBN and he is not hurting by any means!

asim said...

Grant said...

"and photos of Sean and I together affectionately? I have plenty of those too... But at the time, we consciously chose to keep that part of our life private it... we felt that was best for us and his career... the real true fans understood our bond and that's all that mattered... BTW Asim, who do you think took all those pictures"

I suppose you are referring to this post:

"Albert...Any romantic photos of Brent and Grant swimming in that Mythical Pool??:-)"

Just so you konw, it is quite obvious that this is a rhetorical question.
I was talking about how "mythical" your pool was until Jaden Gray appeared on the scene.
Oh and you are completely right... of course, I am not a real fan...too much drama;-)

Albert said...

Brent is working on a book about his life to date. That is still in the works.
If you are interested in Brent's account of his early career, check out 'A Sirens Tale.' It was originally published on Jason Secrests blog with exclusive photographs. I suspect it is still there in archives somewhere.
The text of the first four parts can be seen here

The final sections were never released.

will g said...

"Once I return to SD, I will make available all (or whatever I deem fit) the information about the low-life, leach, Mr.Martinez..."

If you're back in SD Grant, feel free to unload all that information, we're all ears.

will g said...

Looks like Eric Martinez may be transferred from the Donovan State Prison back to county jail.

asim said...

Thanks for the information, Albert. I read A Sien Tale three months ago. I found it quite interesting.

asim said...


A humble suggestion... why don't you start your own Blog? ;-)

jim said...

Or better yet, a book.

asim said...

Why not both?

Geoff Harvard said...

jim and asim, Grant would have to be able to stitch together many coherent paragraphs without using all caps, multiple exclamation points, and saying fuck you somewhere along the line. He is not exactly a literate man. If I were a vocational counselor, I would point him toward freight brokerage. Freight brokerage is an honorable occupation that benefits us all.

asim said...

"He is not exactly a literate man"

Geoff, you are as subtle as always ;)… no need to be a literate man to write a "successful blog".

Despite his moody personality, I like Mr. Roy (not only because being a former Brent’s boyfriend confers “special status”:))

Btw, why don't you write a book about your amazing travels through Europe? ;)

Geoff Harvard said...

Asim, a long time ago I wrote a screenplay called "Station Echo" which still sits unproduced in the files of SGA West. It's a literary homeomorph of King Henry IV and incorporates a lot of the European atmosphere you mention. Right now, I'm forming the germ of a story about teenaged chetniks in Serbia in WWII which I call "God of Justice." In the late '70's a Serbian immigrant friend of mine expressed interest in the American Civil War, and I gave him a copy of a copy of my great grandfather's autobiography of that conflict. He had run away from boarding school 150 years ago today as a 15 year old, lied about his age, and enlisted in a North Carolina volunteer company against his father's express wishes (in an age in which fathers expected to be obeyed.) In return, Dusko poured out his experiences from ages 15-19 in Yugo. Writing is an uncertain and painful process.

asim said...

Geoff, you should be teaching History and Literature at my college. Both subjects would be even more interesting ;)
Any possibility of getting your screenplay produced??

asim said...

" New website for @grantroy newest project (really hot)"

with a really hot pesonal blog??;)

Geoff Harvard said...

"Any possibility of getting your screenplay produced??"

As they say in the USN, slim and none, and Slim is on leave. The real events on which it was based took place in the context of the Cold War Northern Strategy in which we would secure NATO air bases in northern Norway, attack the Soviet SSBN bastion in the arctic, and go after Soviet air assets in the Kola peninsula as a diversion to a Soviet assault on western Europe. It takes place on a ship in the LST-1179 class which is no longer in the US inventory. (I think we transfered some of them to Spain.) Act III involves a catastrophic, cascading engineering casualty that takes the life of one character and brings about the moral transformation and redemption of another. I just don't have the heart to rewrite it now. I found an intermediate draft in a packing box recently, and it just doesn't scan well. I was so close to the subject matter that I was trying to be writer and director all at once.

asim said...

Albert, your photos are great but the problem is that Jayden loves the camara but the camara doesn't love him back... :(
I know comparisons are odious but have you seen the latest Brent photos at Micky's...;)

Maybe I am wrong but It seems to me that you are not Obama`s biggest fan... :-))

asim said...

Albert, you really has an interesting life ;-)

You are a devoted husband, father of four sons, partner of Dewayne, fan and friend of Brent Corrigan (among other gay porn stars)...

If all the conservative republicans were like you, the world would be a better place !! :-))

asim said...

Sorry for my poor English, What I meant to write was "Albert really “has” an interesting life… ;-)"

Anonymous said...

Your all too funny :). I know you all missed me, no worries, here I am.
I see not much has changed with many of you. The CobraKiller is still full of rage, but this time I dont blame him. I'd be full of rage too if a Sean Lockhart played me the way he did his CobraKiller - though I am not so stupid to ever let anything like that happen to me. Albert... bragging about your drug use... puleez... its not too late to grow up. I do however hope your in good health. Dewayne, I see your still very much the same perv. Jim, hope you missed me too, I missed you :). Poor Mason W, I guess that's where the rumors of Sean being HIV+ came from??? Geoff, witty as ever. Hugs to Will and PC. Can't wait for the book to come out. So yeah, same old shit in the world of gay porn, nasty eh. BB4Truth, as always.

asim said...

"Film reviewer Joseph Airdo of published a glowing review of Judas Kiss today, calling it “the surprise hit of the Phoenix Film Festival … an incredibly original independent feature film … extraordinarily well-made that completely transcends all genres, and features solid performances from really charismatic actors.”

Grant, I know you are a really busy man but I hope you will have the time to read the full review...

I am sure you are glad for Brent's success ;)

BB said...

Jim, why did you not post my comments? :(

will g said...

The most shocking part of this story (NSFW) comes at the very end. I guess the old saying about a broken clock being right twice a day applies here.

asim said...

Brent tweeted today:

"Just cried my way through The Hereafter. I'm glad I watched this one alone! No one ever must see me in such a state - except Papi, 'course."

Grant, I am sure Brent is desperate for news of Mr. Martinez :-(

still looking forward to your "promised" updates on twitter...

jim said...

Cause I just noticed both hiding in the SPAM folder just now. I may have to look into turning this "feature" off ...

asim said...

"Your all too funny :). I know you all missed me, no worries, here I am."

You are really very funny too:) And a great visionary...I’ve been taking a look at your blog and the only “successful prediction” was that Brent would leave Grant…
Please don’t be too hard on yourself. Self-criticism can lead to depression :-(

Looking forward for your posts…

will g said...

Jim, BB's comments are correctly marked as spam, leave that feature on.

KIDDING! Hugs to you too BB, you just made it under the wire. You better watch your mouth about Sean or Asim will cut you.

asim said...

"You better watch your mouth about Sean or Asim will cut you"

Will, you are wrong about me
(again)…I am not that kind of stupid fan. I like Brent just because despite all his defects he has proved to be a “survival strategist”…

Btw, after reading his firt post, I have a strong feeling BB is making a great effort to watch his mouth...

will g said...

I was obviously being facetious Asim, I know you aren't a "stupid fan," or a violent one for that matter. Forgive my lame attempt at humor.

"No one ever must see me in such a state - except Papi, 'course."

Seems like Brent is still assuming nobody knows what the real situation is with "Papi." Otherwise, would he really want his fans to think he's still devoted to a convicted felon? IS he still devoted to him? And why invoke his name now, after months of silence? It actually gave me the creeps when I read that tweet.

Geoff Harvard said...

Did anyone else catch the snarky comments about Connor Ashton's--uh--posture on twitter? Supposedly the anointed one was on a luxury vacation to SF and saw his former bf and co-star in a gym. You would think that after five or so years he would just let it go. Three years ago I was speculating with DeWayne about the identity of BB, and I thought CA because of the bitterness of their breakup, and then I thought it was a Kocis relative, and then an old enemy of Grant's, but now I think it's just a random blogger who took the role on as a hobby.

asim said...

"Forgive my lame attempt at humor. "

Will, I really do like your witty and sharp humor. Love reading your tweets ;)…but I am not a “real” fan of Brent.

I enjoy the fact that his popularity keeps growing though he isn’t a man of outstanding talent.

But he is smart and hot and AMBITIOUS enough to be successful…

And, most of all, I enjoy seeing Brent’s haters so full of rage and jealously :-)

I would like to know your opinion about brent…

"It actually gave me the creeps when I read that tweet."

Agree with you. Don't undertand the "intention" behind that tweet.

Grant, where are you?...
seriously, I am starting to worry:(

asim said...

"Supposedly the anointed one was on a luxury vacation to SF and saw his former bf and co-star in a gym"

Geoff, I have to admit, you really are a genious!!

"it's just a random blogger who took the role on as a hobby."

Agree with you.

BB, missing your posts...

will g said...

I'm gonna take the fifth on Brent Asim, other than just to say I think he's much more intelligent than your average porn star, and he is not a murderer. Nor does he "have blood on his hands." However this latest episode with Papi has shaken my belief in his honesty. It's things like this that give the "haters" ammunition. I'm surprised BB barely mentioned it.

DeWayne In San Diego said...

I agree Geoff I remember Connor was on the short list for awhile.. and it makes sense (the mutual antipathy) but its just as likely Chris Henriquez was involved as well.

Geoff Harvard said...

I just don't think that dopey club DJ, child rapist, and would be porn model Chris Henriguez has the intelligence or imagination to sustain the role and the anonymity of BB for so long. Remember when it was all the rage to blame Robert Wagner both for the BB role and for the Kocis murder, when probably all he wanted to do was put as much distance between his scrawny, sleazy ass and the Kocis case as possible. I would like to see Sean's 2010 FIT return.

will g said...

"Remember when it was all the rage to blame Robert Wagner both for the BB role and for the Kocis murder"

LOL I hardly think Rob harping on something endlessly makes it "all the rage." Though it certainly provoked rage in others (me).

Speaking of Rob, guess he decided to sit out this year's reunion. :(

Geoff Harvard said...

Will, I don't think any of us has the time for a rewind now, but it was not only Rob who argued the timeline and the width of the driveway, etc. Rob has some misguided ideas about Hemingway and the Kocis murder and is an extreme leftist Latin Heretic, but he is a good guy overall.

asim said...

"I would like to see Sean's 2010 FIT return."

Geoff, lack of sleep is really affecting my brain... don't understand this part of your post:(

will g said...

GOODBYE JIM!!! Thanks for hosting another swell reunion. Until next year, when we'll finally have PC's book to discuss. Should be fun.

(Of course you could always break down and open a Twitter account before then, instead of just lurking. Just think how much that would anger TUO, it'd be worth it for that alone...)

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Jim great job again this year I just noticed tomorrow is that hated Pagan holiday celebrating all things to do with that EVIL Bunny and my most traumatic childhood experience!

So the blog will close until next year, a lot of fun as always and we got this post over 300 comments.

By all and yes say hello on Twitter sometime ;-)

asim said...

Jim, it was a real honour to be able to write on your blog. You are an amazing person!

Will, I like you very very much. I will keep enjoying your tweets...

Geoff, though I don't agree with you about gay rights and marriage, I love the way you write. You are brilliant!

I would like to meet all of you (and Grant)in person ;)

I wish you all the best!

Geoff Harvard said...

Jim, thanks so much for hosting this forum once again. Maybe next year we will have enough new information that we can actually discuss the Kocis case.

Asim, FIT is shorthand for the bane of all Americans since 1913, the Federal Income Tax. Once a year each of us must disclose to the government the source of every penny of our income for taxation purposes. I am for repealing the 16th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution that allowed it and replacing the FIT and all other payroll taxes with a consumption tax on all new items sold at retail. Google John Linder.

Albert said...

It was amuzing. See you next year.

jim said...

Gentlemen, it's been an honor and a priviledge to once again reunite with you all!

And now it's time to hibernate once again. Until next year...or perhaps sooner...?

Here's the deal: If PC's book comes out well before the next Victory Day (March 12, 2012), I predict it will be VERY hard not to want to discuss it right away. Soooo...what I'm thinking I MAY do is poke my head over to PC's blog when that time comes.

Hmmmm...we'll see! :-)

Anyways, this being Easter and all, I thought I'd leave you all with one final memory from the dusty archives of this blog. Lets all recall what we were reading (and thinking about) during Easter, four years ago...:

mark @ said...
Hello All ... Mark here Happy Easter weekend!!!! Spring means HES RISEN!!! NEW START!!! FRESH!! and A NEW XXX Movie from Being filmed on Monday!!! with Acclaimed DRAKE a HOT Boybatter favorite & Harlow in an intense 3 way!!!...this will be a block buster for sure!
A Major DVD distributor for global reach of dvd's will be making a press announcement in the next few days about carrying

about our banner time line called "Boisrus World of Wonder"..its really just a fun fruity colorful way of depicting recent events. Look today for new pics to be added to it & for each picture to become clickable and to blow up when you move your mouse over it.

O and Harlows own is being updated now with rich imagery and will be live in 7-10 days where a platform will be available to talk with Harlow directly!

Mark & boys say...lets go easter egg huntin...:-)

April 6, 2007 3:36 AM


mark @ said...
TO INTERJECT ON A HAPPY NOTE!!! Harlow & Joe are staying put in their home in Va Beach and are repairing the SWAT damage this week! ALSO AS I WRITE THIS MEMO ...Harlow is filming his newest XXX blockbuster in Va Beach with NEW STUD Jakob Drake and Harlow...wild stuff too!!!!

April 9, 2007 8:58 AM

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