Thursday, April 17, 2008

Identity Speculation

I've said this before, but I just want to go ahead and reiterate this: I do not care who you are, behind you're screen name.

While I am sure the anonymous commenteer who just today sent me what appears to be very complete biographical information on a couple of the bloggers in this case meant well, I have to say...thanks but no thanks. Like I said...I simply do not care. I've made a determination early on that this blog will not wallow in the mud of who-is-who, and I am sticking to that principle.

Thank you all for your attention to this matter.

Update: I'm not sure if this is related or not, but Elm today decides to have a conversation with himself; as comments from Elm and fake screen names obviously controlled by Elm follow each other within minutes. I'm not sure exactly what the point of this exercise is, but if I were Elm, I'd worry about more important matters than carrying on a conversation with yourself over barbie dolls.


elmysterio said...

Jim I was not having a conversation with my self those were actual posters to my blog.

When someone posts it goes to my email and if I am home I will respond to it and post it.

I was just home at the time those post were made.It really is that simple.

Anonymous said...

I do not know if this is related or not but jakester [on his blog post] sounds like he wants to "out" people.

jim said...

That's bullshit "Elm" and everyone knows it.

Thanks for playing, though.

jim said...

"V.J. said...
I do not know if this is related or not but jakester [on his blog post] sounds like he wants to "out" people."

V.J., the irony of the situation right now is so overwhelming, it would make your head spin if you were in my shoes right now!

Anonymous said...

I believe it jim,
I am sure that it is strange stuff coming your way.
I respect you for not "tossing it all out there" for everyone to see and at the same time I have to say I am curious.

Rob said...

Jim and VJ--

This "helps" Elm's "credibility" how exactly?

jim said...

Well, since his credibility couldn't go any lower, I guess you could truthfully say these latest antics haven't really hurt him. :-)

I dunno see him reduced to talking with imaginary supporters, in such a Kent Barclayish fashion...oh how the mighty have fallen.

Rob said...


Thank you for responding to my very short post here. I have been very consistent in is stating Harlow and Joe are sitting in jail as they should be awaiting trial for 1st degree murder and 1st degree arson.

Three people have taken to attacking you and me most deceitfully elsewhere. Of those three, one is posing as friendly oppositon.

Elm thinks he has been clever. I would like to take this opportunity to show exactly how "clever" he really is. I have not raised much of anything from my personal life anywhere, so this will be an exception. I am also addressing Robert Wagner in part. Jakester deserves no comment because well he just likes being the pooh fight instigator.

Like you, I use a variation of my name to post. I do not need an obvious fake one such as El Mysterio (pretentious); Jakester (crass and mundane); or BB (predestrian) to hide behind.


I will play along. You write, "you on the other hand were in constant telephone contact with elm for months." Specify, that is, provide the exact number of months that I "was in constant telephone contact with Elm."

Once again Elm and Robert, the CCTV is mentioned by Sean in "Siren's Tale." I also know that Kocis updated his home security system after Sean's departure in Summer of 2004. This fact is also mentioned in "A Siren's Tale." The updated system was a webcam system. Do keep in mind that Elm was great fact bearer who proudly trumpeted to everyone that a car carrier was used to transport the Kocis gifted Volkswagen Jetta to Sean to Californina in spite of the fact that Sean and Grant specifically drove to Pennsylvania to pick up and drive that Jetta back to San Diego. Yet, Elm told everyone in his blog that this was gospel. How could Elm make such a simple mistake. Elm doesn't read anything, let alone comprehend it or weigh it with other information.

Quoth BB, "elm discovered you to be the lying fraud that you are." Or more appropriately, I discovered Elm to have misrepresented the truth and this is confirmed in spades by PC and by Jim.

For Elm, exactly when did your "favorite, the plea deal" discussion take place? "[You] started that one and tried to get me to go [along] with it." Do provide the date and time when this phone call with me took place. I would like to know the exact date of this call.

However, you would do well to remember that my dad was suffering from his last illness, hospitalized, and in agony from his cancer. I had scant time to be talking with you at all. I did post. You did call me while I was at the hospital and on my way with my mother to a status conference with my dad's oncologist and GP. I told you I had no time to talk with you. I know the exact day and hour of that call. Next, my dad was in the hospital for two weeks with pneumonia, then released for home care. When did you call me Elm? I drove him to his radiology treatments because he had a tumor that had migrated into the bone of the right forearm and shattered the bone so completely that his doctors could not repair the damage. Because the nerve was exposed, he was in constant pain. You try driving with a passenger with a badly damaged arm. He felt every bump and defect in the city street and told me so. Even with reduced speed, my dad was in agony. This factor required pain medication be administered as specified and on time. When did you say you called me Elm?

Furthermore, a big part of my dad's last days were spent being with my dad and my mom. I was present when my mother watched my dad be loaded on the ambulance for the drive to the hospice in which he died. His neighbor from across the street saw the ambulance and watched my dad being loaded. They were friends. I had the very sad duty of telling him that my dad was dying. This man was very fastidious with his tools. He had been blowing leaves from his driveway and hedge. After I told him that my dad was dying, the neighbor abandoned that leaf blower and retreated inside his house to grieve. That was one of the saddest and most profound things that I remember about my dad's last days. When did you call me Elm? His doctor thought he had 3weeks; the reality was two and one quarter days. My dad died at exactly 5 a.m., November 16, 2007. You were not on my schedule at any point immediately before his passing, when he died, when the funeral director arrived at the hospice to collect his remains, when I drove my mother back to her home, when I was making funeral arrangements for my dad with my mother on the day he died, with the cemetary employee when I accompanied my mother to select plots, at my dad's wake, or at my dad's funeral Mass which was officiated by a priest friend of mine and a newly ordained priest who was a friend of mine from seminary, the cemetary and final commital and because I had been a seminarian, the chanting of Salve Regina which is a tradition in my home diocese, or the parish hall for the reception afterwards, a gathering at my aunt's and uncle's home with the special visit of my younger brother's mother-in-law, a very gracious woman I get to see but rarely. When did you call me Elm?

However, you tried to call me 13 January 2008. I never answered your call.

Anonymous said...

It does not help his credibility,
IMO he is playing games [with ree, jakester & co. close by]
I feel elm is up to his eyeballs in Harlow and Joes affairs both legal and personal, the why's and how's, not sure, but I am sure that I would not want to be in is head.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry for your loss.
You have been through alot friend,
I hope you are well!

BB said...

rob, your personal life should be kept personal, to me it is viewed as a lame attempt at gaining sympathy.

you failed as usual to answer the proven charges of your criminal actions. you once again rant about jim and pc. jim and pc have nothing to do with you, as you have nothing to do with them.

do i rant about my father who died Nov 18, 2007 from cancer? did i discuss his illness with any bloggers? no, because it is nobody's business and has no bearing on my interest in this murder saga.

your post is pathetic and in very bad taste. it has nothing to do with the real issues.

Rob said...


A question was put to you. Answer it. You said I spoke to Elm for months. EXACTLY HOW MANY? And you failed to answer a simple question Robert.

Jim, VJ, Jared, Brynawel, others, and myself await the answer because we all know how honorable you are.

How many months Robert?

Rob said...

BB writes, "your post is pathetic and in very bad taste. it has nothing to do with the real issues." Loosely translated you went down this road without thinking. You are left with egg on your face.

A word of advice: Don't rely on Elm because his "facts" shift like the desert sands.

We are still awaiting the exact number of month I was talking to Elm.

Rob said...


Thank you. I appreciate your words of condolence.

Rob said...

BB pleads "do i rant about my father who died Nov 18, 2007 from cancer? did i discuss his illness with any bloggers? no, because it is nobody's business and has no bearing on my interest in this murder saga."

For your dad's passing, I offer my condolences.

As for the rest of your statement, can it. Elm said I am talking to him. And you piggybacked on his premise. Expect the consequences of walking through quicksand with Elm.

Rob said...


"Elm is playing games with ree, jakester & co. nearby," you keenly observe.

Those personages certainly lend tremendous "credibility" to his ever changing and transforming versions of truth. Elm's 3 way communication scheme also employed by the Angel of Truth comes to mind especially since he raised that point. Elm can't get anymore "credible" than that.

Just like watching "the Exorcist." Elm's head spins a full 180 degrees, spewing vomitus and spittle, while he is controlled by the Lord of the Flies and the Inhabitor of Desolate Places, ever seeking his own ruin.

Anonymous said...

"your personal life should be kept personal"

I did not see any rules about that.

If interjecting personal issues into commenting were a crime I would be away for life! :()

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Blogger V.J. said...

"your personal life should be kept personal"

I did not see any rules about that.

VJ of course not but you must understand the source according to BB Rules are for the great unwashed.

The Elite,smart, privileged people can flaunt them with impunity!

He learned that from the master manipulator and self-entitled Bryan Kocis

I swear reading BB its like he is channeling Bryan Kocis!

Maybe Bryan transfered his diseased Katra directly into the poor boy.

If you wanted to know what Bryan was like just read BB/Bryan

Rob said...


Fascinating. Katra explains much.

elmysterio said...

Rob where did I say that Brent had his car shipped to California from Pennsylvania?

So from your statements you are claiming that we never had any phone communications?

This I find interesting because I have phone bills that say different. You know how accurate phone records are right?

Rob what is the deal here you seem to want to discredit me for some strange reason.

Is it because I have information that can cause you and your "friends" trouble?

Or is it that I have stirred up some info that you want kept quiet?

Oh by the way Rob we first spoke on 6/27/07 this is from my phone records.

I have never spoken to BB, Jim ,PC or Jakester on the phone.

jim said...

Just IMs with PC? But on the phone with Renee. Who herself was on the phone with a Harlow attorney. Which one I wonder, Barry Taylor? Well, no matter...

My personal communications policy is becoming more of a comfort to me in hindsight than I ever dared possible!

You wont see me talking privately to anyone in the case ever...even using campfires and smoke signals.

Anonymous said...

"My personal communications policy is becoming more of a comfort to me in hindsight than I ever dared possible"

Smart Cookie!

Anonymous said...

"You wont see me talking privately to anyone in the case ever...even using campfires and smoke signals."

I guess that eliminates the possibility for late night s'mores sharing....damn it all to hell!

Anonymous said...

Round Three: Elm's Theories...

"12:52 AM Eloise: I read somewhere the reason that the gay community will nevr get anywhere is because f tere petty attitude towards one and other. and I tend to agree with that."

Thank you Rob, Elm and BB on your continuing and Outstanding work. And well done!

You're all starting to sound like bitter, old, miserable queens who couldn't get a date with a prison inmate on a Tuesday afternoon in the shower rooms.

Why not just have a little get together at one of your homes, have a little fire building and knife wielding practice and call it a day?

jim said...

Please let me know what you think of my latest blog post, Bud. I think you may enjoy it. :-)