He played no known role whatsoever in the later chapters in this saga, namely, the long and bitter LSG-Cobra lawsuit, and the murder of Bryan Kocis by Harlow Cuadra and Joe Kerekes.
Yet given the colossal role he played in the early stages of this drama, you have to wonder: What ever happened to this guy?
Well apparantly, Chris has become a moderately successful disc jockey/party promoter in the Southern California area. Club and party promotions being original passion, if you guys recall, as mentioned in his first Livejournal posting over in Part 1.
Thanks to some MySpace blog entries, we can actually follow the rise of his dj/party promotions career, which picked up at the same time his porn career/relationship with Brent was on the decline. It looks like, he started out pretty small at first: Gay beach bonfires; "All Ages" gay pool parties; gay horseback riding; "All Ages" house parties; and then finally graduating to promotions in established 18+ nightclubs, with "almost naked" go-go boys, and professional djs.

This first circuit party was apparantly such a success for Chris' company that it was repeated in 2007, this time at the Long Beach Westin Hotel. Here is the flyer for that event:

Notice anything...familiar, in this flyer? Take a close look now...bottom right picture, in fact:

And he rebranded himself even more, recently changing his name to "Christian Alexander, aka Dj Elektro," along with a whole new MySpace site.
And by all appearances, he's doing quite well...here's the slate of upcoming events he's got planned (including the territorial expansion of his signature "Aftermath" circuit parties to other SoCal cities), all of them (perhaps not surprisingly) catering to the "18+" gay market:
-February 2008 - "Valentines House Party" All Ages
Location to be announced - CA
-March 2008 - "Dj Elektros B-Day Bash" 18+
Either San Diego or WEHO
-April/May 2008 - "AFTERMATH" All Ages
-JUNE 2008 - "AFTERMATH" All Ages
-JULY 2008 - "AFTERMATH" 18+
San Diego, CA
-Summer 2008 - "Carnival X" W/ Battle of the Bands ALL AGES - BALBOA PARK - SAN DIEGO
Location To Be Announced
His parties seem to me to be both well-produced and well-attended, by people who seem to all be having a very good time. You can judge for yourself; see his photo albums here and here.
Karma appears to have smiled on "the guy who caused this whole mess."

Humbly, as always, at your service...jim

"Christian Alexander's" MySpace
friends list...lookie who is
VERY highly ranked on his
"friends" list (page 2 of 22).
hmmm; make of that what you will!

seems like he has his life in order.
your assertion that he is the person who caused this whole mess is wrong IMO.
sean made his own choices, he continues to do so. he blames everyone for his problems, mistakes and bad decisions as does his cobrakiller. first it was all bryans fault, then lee's, then joe and harlows.
correct me if i am wrong, chris was not around at time of lee, joe and harlow.
be real. it is like saying it is seans mothers fault for giving birth. you can go back further and say it was his fathers fault for not wearing a condom.
at some point, we all must take responsibility for our own actions - it is how we grow. it is how this dude chris grew.
interesting to me is the fact i have not been accused of being this person. sean and his cohorts have dug up every other name known to be connected to this murder saga.
excellent post and information none the less :)
"your assertion that he is the person who caused this whole mess is wrong IMO."
Ah, but can't there be multiple causes for things?
"it is like saying it is seans mothers fault for giving birth. you can go back further and say it was his fathers fault for not wearing a condom."
Not quite. I think to choose a "cause" for something bad that happens, the supposed "cause" has to be an act of wrongness, such that one can foresee bad things happening down the road.
That moment in time when CH flipped in the webcam, and said "here is my almost 18 y/o b/f!" that was the very first and original "act of wrongness" in the chain of causation.
But I am willing to admit other "acts of wrongness" can also occur later in the chain, and thus be considered "causes" too.
But the very first "cause"...that is something to me worthy of special philosophical consideration.
CH was the very first "cause" in the chain.
jim, as always you have valid points.
why have sean, his cobrakiller and their few supporters never made attacks against chris?
why do they go after everyone and anyone else?
to me it shows they place no importance of these chris events.
nobody can say this chris did not get his life in order after getting off to a shaky start. there is a lesson in that for sean.
for some odd reason sean picks people who want to run and control his life. it continues to this very day with his cobrakiller.
JIm you seem to think that I think Christian had something to do with the murder of Bryan Kocis. Well you are quite wrong about that.
I realize that he was the one who started all of the trouble for Bryan. This was becasue he was upset because of what Bryan did to his and Sean's relationship.
Now maybe he was blackmailing Bryan or he tried to do so but that does not make him a killer.
It would appear that all of this revolves around one person. Jason curious had it right with his "Helen of Troy" statement.
I am not saying that Sean was at fualt here but he is certainly central to what happened. Chris was pissed at Bryan for breaking him and Sean up and pushing him out of the picture so he made Bryan's life a living hell by bringing to light the fraud he strarted.
I thought you might be tempted in that direction, Elm. But, maybe not!
Now, we just gotta wait to hear from DeWayne, and see if he's planning on attending "March 2008 - "Dj Elektros B-Day Bash" 18+
Either San Diego or WEHO." :-)
Ha Ha, Jim not a chance LOL
I am surprised you missed all the underage Sean pix in Christian Alexander a.k.a. Dj Elektro's Albums"My Photography" album. (Page 2) They are obviously post Feb 2004 because Sean has those Blue Contacts Bryan wanted.
All in all an excellent post Jim and I do agree with your summation.
I believe Chris pursued Sean the summer of 2003 the same way he went after Jonathon.
He knew Seans age when he approached Bryan in Oct 2003, I think blackmail was his plan from the start.
BB once again I stated months ago that in the intial AGE fraud which set this whole Tragedy in motion the responsibility was
1.Chris henriquez 33%
2.Sean Lockhart 33%
3.Bryan Kocis 33%
Not one member of Camp Kocis was willing to aceept that 39 yo Bryan shared ANY responsibility.
That destroyed whatever shred of Credibility ANYONE on Kocis side ever had!
Your constant Defense Of Bryan Kocis and his Lifestyle beggars belief to you Bryan was Saint while Sean is a Demon.
You fail to see how revealing that is.(ephebs & pedos ALWAYS defend the Man and CONDEMN the BOY, ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION!)
Bryans Lifestyle choices ultimately led to his demise.
Interesting Jim Motti Green first Distributor has "retired" wonder if he is moving to BoCA Raton!
HeHe that was quick! now you can go to bed Jim I was distracted by all those Sean pix I had not seen did you really miss them????
"I am surprised you missed all the underage Sean pix in Christian Alexander a.k.a. Dj Elektro's Albums"My Photography" album."
Actually, I did take a look at those, but...jeez this friggin post had risen to three loooong Parts...I had to edit.
But yes...there are some 'artistic' shots of Brent/Sean in his MySpace "My Photography" album.
Interesting for sure, as these could quite possibly be the very first pictures of an "out and gay" Sean Lockhart. Age 17, possibly 16?
Copyright of such photos obviously belonging to Chris Henriquez.
FYI Motti Green at Pacific Sun is the man who agreed to distribute Cobra in 2002.
He was the only one who would distribute Bareback content.
He is the Guy Bryan was left owing big money too in 2005 when Motti had to pull Seans four underage videos!
People like him don't like being left "holding the bag"
He is also not going to be missed nor will his "muscle" and his death threats!
Bryan kept such Stellar company!
Actually Jim Pictures in My Space are considered fair game all mine have been stolen and reposted even my Cat is all over My Space in an Advo (last year)
"Actually Jim Pictures in My Space are considered fair game..."
Oh that's interesting!
Thats's actually good to know; Caleb Carter cannot sue me for posting his drunk driving ticket.
Nope and it was such a Flattering Picture!
You know what I find interesting is no one has ever posted Seans Mug shot from his arrest in 2006 for MUI.
Where was TMZ?
BB asked why I or anyone else in Seans Camp refrained from accusing Chris of posting this past year.
Well I for one had my suspicions due to ip's but we all quickly narrowed down the NYC ip's as being the source of almost all the Anti Sean diatribe.
You yourself point out a better reason for Chris's reticence to "get involved"
His DJ & Promotions biz appears successful.
And if Chris were to insinuate himself into this case now he is still under the 7 year Federal Statute of Limitations for Felony Child Pandering,Child Pornography(webcam anyone)
That is enough to insure his silence right there.
Indeed he better pray Robert Wagner is not hauled in on the signing and witnessing Seans 2257 in June 2004 since Chris Procured that ID.
I am sure RW would be glad to point that out!
And that also solves the mystery of why Chris dropped out in 2005.
Bryan let him know if He was brought down Chris was facing the same Felonys as Bryan and Robert Wagner.
Chris Bluffed Bryan
And Bryan Bluffed back!
Chris blinked!
sean i imagine is afraid of his trick turning days being exposed in full detail by chris - they often did tricks as a couple too.
that explains why sean continues to blame his problems on bryan, lee, joe and harlow. he does not blame chris for anything.
odd when you consider it appears the fact ID thing was all down to chris.
it does not add up. something is missing here.
chris is not involved because he is not a failure. the same can not be said for the main players in this murder saga.
if they were successful, they'd be too busy doing other things instead of trolling the net looking for hookers and murderers and causing all kind of other trouble.
Jim and Dewayne--
And Ben still plays a shell game for Robert Wagner. Does not change facts.
An Elm still does the Harlow Fandango.
"sean i imagine is afraid of his trick turning days being exposed in full detail by chris - they often did tricks as a couple too. "
Actually, reading the Livejournal entries...this whole 'Sean turning tricks' meme all of a sudden became very doubtful to me.
Not only did CH go through incredible efforts to make sure Sean kept his distance from even hypothetical rivals (ie, "J.R."), but whenever he cut out one of these rivals...he would be like King Kong on top of the Empire State Building, thumping his chest and bellowing in triumph every time he swats down a biplane:
"Sean told me that JR cried his ass off lol i was like hahahah but he talked to JR for an hour and 30 mins before JR realized he lost him and i won well JR thinks that me and sean aint together but if your reading this then sorry JR i win i love sean and im willing to do anything for him..."
Just as I can't imagine King Kong ever settling down, and becoming a pimp for Fay Wrey, I can't imagine CH doing it either. Both do not possess QUITE the right temperments for that job, LOL!
Jim a big thank you for this: "Just as I can't imagine King Kong ever settling down, and becoming a pimp for Fay Wrey, I can't imagine CH doing it either. Both do not possess QUITE the right temperments for that job, LOL!"
This is something I said last year when I first started posting. Furthermore, the obvious, Chris knew Sean's true age. He was not about to tangle with any PD's Vice Squad detectives.
Hate and hostility and the incumbent need for revenge blind one to common sense and facts.
BB said...
"interesting to me is the fact i have not been accused of being this person."
Check out your own blog. I accused you of that a couple of months ago as an alternative to your being Connor/Jonathan*"living the great life"/Trent.
This is all so fascinating. Better and cheaper than model trains or restoring old cars.
Update 2: But then again, on page 19 of 22 of his friends list we see this, LOL, which makes me think that perhaps it's dangerous to try to read too much into MySpace Friends Lists.
Other profiles of interest:
p. 8 Josh Vaughn
p.12 Brent Everett
p. 16 CMH
dewayne who knows sean very well made the claim chris was pimping sean out. i have heard this from a several others too. it was confirmed by another of seans friends jody.
lastly, sean himself confirmed it to be true.
I'm not saying it didn't happen; just saying, given what I'm reading, it seems less likely.
Excellent research Jim. If I have seen this before I do not remember it. Parts I knew but that means nothing. It could in fact be in my 'amazing stack of stuff.' In my early research days I would save anything and everything, most of that I have not looked at since
Yeah BB, I may have some juicy goo stuff as well. We all need to maintain some contact for future historical purposes.
BB, I disagree with my DeWayne on his division of responsibility. I do not do the 33%thing. Neither Brent nor Chris were responsible for establishing and maintaining proper 2257 records. That was 100% Bryan's responsibility.
Both Bryan and Chris were adults that had sex with an underage male. That is rape. Chris created and/or assisted a minor in obtaining falsified documents. Chris remains 100% liable for his crimes, AS AN ADULT.
Brent allowed himself to be filmed having sex with adults and got paid for that by the film producer. Somebody correct me but I do not think that is against any law. It does appear that he allowed his age to be misrepresented and participated in that ruse as a minor. Those items he is 100% responsible for, AS A MINOR.
The severity of the laws in question do not compare. Interstate abduction of a minor for pornographic and illegal sex does not compare to a teenager in southern California misrepresenting their age.
I have always reminded readers Brent did not forge the documents, Chris did. Later Chris was the adult instrumental in procuring a physical fake ID for still underage, Brent.
Jim, by the time I became actively involved in watching this drama, Chris was history. His importance was slowly revealed but except as I say for the crimes he himself committed, I do not place that much importance on him. You are however correct. It was his greed, lust and pride that led him to his own downfall. He quit early but can still be tried and easily found guilty of statutory rape and a string of other crimes.
Like Screwtape to Wormwood, his quota of evil was eventually consumed and became a part of a greater sickness.
I would think the loss of love and true opportunity he had will now be a part of what he must live with.
Albert, the fake Id, it has and had nothing to do with Bryan.
Fraud was committed by Sean by using fake ID.
Makes no difference where said ID came from in that respect.
Sean presented his ID to Bryan. It is not and was not the producers job to do anything more than that other than keep a copy on file.
Those are the facts plain and simple.
Spin it any way you like. Seans illegal actions did eventually lead to the murder of Bryan Kocis.
Had Sean not lied and produced a fake ID, none of this would have happened period.
Sean was and is the criminal in this - all due to his own actions.
"It is not and was not the producers job to do anything more than that other than keep a copy on file."
Well, no. The producer actually has 4 affirmative duties under 2257:
1) The Duty to Identify and Inquire;
2) The Duty to Create and Maintain Retrievable Records;
3) The Duty to Make Disclosure, in the Work, of the Location of Records and the Identity of the Records Custodian;
4) The Duty to Make the Records Available for Inspection by the Attorney General
For elaboration, see an extensive 2257 primer here:
If Bryan knew an ID was fake, he'd have been in violation of the first duty.
The current Cobra Video is in violation of the third duty, since it's published record keeper is a dead man, and its record location is a vacant lot.
For that matter, the current www.boybatter.com is also in third duty violation, as it's 2257 info page is a dead link:
And the reason Cobra and Boybatter are able to get away with it? Lax enforcement. The Feds have made 2257 a very very very low priority item, although someday that "indifference" may change; according to the primer cited above:
"The adult webmaster cannot afford to pretend that the risks are not real, but many of them clearly do. A casual examination of a number of otherwise-impressive adult sites showcasing their own original content rapidly leaves the visitor with the impression that the webmasters concerned either don't know about Section 2257, that they don't understand it, or that they just don't care. No names will be mentioned. But it cannot be assumed that the federal government will countenance that indifference indefinitely and the likely product of all of it will be more vigilant enforcement, more stringent regulatory laws, or both."
You know, I wish "MJ" (aka "I can't BELEIVE Sean and Grant went to the Feds, and the Feds did nothing") was still here blogging with us; I'd make the above paragraph into a metaphorical large flounder, and then I would take said flounder and metaphorically bitch-slap him in the face with it, until my arms got tired.
And I should further elaborate on this...a 2257 paperwork was not Bryan's main worry here.
His main worry was 18 usc 2241, the law against knowingly producing underage porn. That carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years to life. The "duty" of obeying 2241 It makes the four 2257 duties look like jaywalking in comparison.
And if you read Part 2, it's hard not to come to the conclusion the Bryan KNEW (in his heart of hearts) of the underage status after Johnathan Deverell told him. Which would be before Schoolboy Crush was released. And two (?) other underage Brent porns.
Bryan's reaction to Johnathan Deverell was basically to stick his fingers in his ears, and go "lalalalala I can't heeeeear you!"
LOL, which would have been a very weak legal defense against a determined prosecutor in a 2241 case against Bryan. Bryan was being incredibly reckless, and he knew it.
Also now, you all begin to see how important the "retraction" provision in the MOU was. It was basically an agreement by Brent not to help the Feds put Bryan away for 15 to life, should a 2241 charge ever come to pass.
Of course, due to the murder, this is all academic now anyways.
Spin it any way you like. Seans illegal actions did eventually lead to the murder of Bryan Kocis.
Had Sean not lied and produced a fake ID, none of this would have happened period.
Which, by using the EXACT same logic, you can say CH caused it all too.
Look...all you have to do is switch out the names:
"Had [Chris] not lied and produced a fake ID, none of this would have happened period."
...and by your very own logic, this becomes a true statement as well.
I think what BB is suggesting is an application of the ‘butterfly effect’ of ‘chaos theory.’ Specifically suggesting that small variations of the initial condition of a nonlinear dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system, or equally possibly prevent such large variations. The typical example being that a butterfly flaps its wings in a South American rain forest which then sets up a chain of events that result in greater (or lesser) hurricane activity some years later.
However, that is chaos theory, not causality which would require a natural and predictable relationship between one action and the subsequent reaction. If you want to try to develop that logical chain, be my guest.
However, before you start, let me correct an error in your major premise. “ Sean presented his ID to Bryan.” is a false statement as is, “Had Sean not lied and produced a fake ID,..” The original fake ID’s were produced and presented to Bryan by an adult, Chris Henriquez who sent them to Bryan as an e-mail attachment. That was good enough for Bryan (who didn’t give a shit about the law) until all Brent’s underage filming was completed. Only then when Bryan had what he really wanted (in the can) did Bryan demand a physical ID from Brent. At that point it was time to intimidate and start controlling Brent. He had to keep his crime concealed.
With his prior history of boy rape, his best option in his mind was to set up the victim as the one responsible for the crime. That is typical thinking for a pedophile. Now that I think about it, isn’t BB is using that same approach to make Brent responsible for his rapists criminal behavior and subsequent death?
chris did not seek out joe and harlow online. chris to my knowledge does not know joe and harlow.
sean does. his new found friends did the deed.
"chris did not seek out joe and harlow online."
Did H & J list "hired killers" as their occupation on their MySpace pages?
"his new found friends did the deed"
Well, I'm not sure one meeting in a restaurant where they all got drunk qualifies as being "friends."
And their very next interation after that was a phone call that turned into a shouting match, and Grant hanging up on them.
So, "friends" seems to me a stretch...
What did Sean and his CobraKiller say to Joe and Harlow about Bryan that set them off to commit murder?
That we will find out soon enough... at trial.
Sean said himself he recommended his then "friends" to Bryan and Falcon.
"What did Sean and his CobraKiller say to Joe and Harlow about Bryan that set them off to commit murder?"
It's entirely possible they did not say anything to them to set them off...directly.
You see, I'm thinking H & J got the idea NOT from anything S & G said to them specifically...I'm thinking they got the idea by reading about the big porn feud in the gay porn media in GENERAL (ie, the Cobra newsletters, Brent's blog, the Gay Web Monkey article, etc.
My feeling is, they got caught up in the Brent-Cobra war, as spectators from a distance...and for whatever reason, sided emotionally with Sean. They became, in effect, rabid Brent fans...a phenominon you can still see happening today in fact (much to you dismay, I imagine).
Keep in mind...this was indeed one of the FIRST theories of the crime, proposed back on those early blogs in February...a crazed Brent fan did it.
I think H & J became fans...perhaps after Grant first made contact with them (on MySpace?), and after research, reading about Brent's legal battle on BCO, became crazed pro-Brent fans. Witness their obsession to "merge" their websites, and trade scenes, etc..
Brent and Grant freely admit the murder came up while everyone was drunk at dinner, with H & J mentioning it, maybe (in hindsight) as a trial balloon? They say they thought it was a joke, not to be taken seriously. Given the context, the setting, the free flow of alcohol...I can't say this interpretation was unreasonable.
So no, I don't think S & G said anything in particular at the dinner, to incline a couple of new Brent fans to murder. They did not need to.
The whole massive year long war and legal battle did the inclining for them.
Albert said,,,With his prior history of boy rape, his best option in his mind was to set up the victim as the one responsible for the crime. That is typical thinking for a pedophile. Now that I think about it, isn’t BB is using that same approach to make Brent responsible for his rapists criminal behavior and subsequent death?
Yes Albert this has been Robert Wagner from the begining its almost as if Roberts thought patterns are a mirror image of Bryan Kocis.
Robert like Bryan always condemned Sean never Chris. To their minds Chris the Adult was and is Blameless Sean is guilty simply by being a live Witness to their Pedophile activity.
When Chris was posting My Space profiles with Seans true age Bryan screamed and foamed at Sean not Chris he seemed to hold then 22 yo Chris blameless.
Why did he?
Because if Chris were arrested he can be sure Bryan and Robert would be as well They WERE THE ADULTS!
So there you have it Jim your Chris posts have laid the Agenda bare for everyone.
Chris must be defended at ALL costs because Bryan,Chris and Robert were all in at the begining in 2004.
Child Pornography
Transport of a minor (across state lines)for purposes of Sexual Slavery and Child Pornography
Statutory Rape of a Minor.
Sean must be demonized and destroyed in a campaign of Hate and Vilification because three Adult men could not keep their pants zipped and a 16,17 yos cock out of their mouths.
The BOY Seduced them!
The Boy made Bryan,Robert & Chris Rape him!
The Boy threatens to destroy them all!
Well that last line might have some truth especially if Robert Wagner keeps this vendetta going.
You don't think lawyers are taking notes?
Robert is going to have a hot time in the ole Witness seat at J & H's trial!
"Sean said himself he recommended his then "friends" to Bryan and Falcon."
Actually thats a misconception. Sean never said that. Jody Wheeler, in "Two Pair" wrote a speculation that Brent might have done that. A speculation that seems to have been wrong.
You have to remember a very important point when reading "Two Pair." Jody says SPECIFICALLY that everything he writes in that article, after the word "BOOM!" is NOT coming from Brent, but is pure speculation by Jody.
The 'Sean recommending Harlow to Falcon' bit came "after the Boom."
The reality of the situation is, Harlow applied to Falcon, putting "Brent Corrigan" down as a reference.
There is no evidence Sean knew he was being used as a reference.
BTW, here is the link I have here to Two Pair:
Just go to the word Boom, read the following para carefully, and see what I mean...what follows is Jody's early guesswork...not fact. Jody says so specifically.
Elm makes this mistake frequently too...treating 'after the boom' Jody speculations as fact. It's a mistake that comes from not reading Two Pair carefully enough.
jim said,
"I am thinking they got the idea from the big porn feud in the gay media" jim then mentions Cobra emails.
I do not know if you ever had seen any of these emails from "king cobra"- jim, they really were beyond disgusting. I will never forget those. You would have to read them to believe them and then to realize they were coming from a grown man.
No I've never seen them, just as I've never seen JuicyGoo. But I've heard they were pretty nasty.
This was a nasty online war and legal battle in it's heyday. And I guess to an extent, still is.
Which BTW, VJ, goes exactly to what I was theorizing to BB above:
When you had a climate of hate THAT intense out there, already...that alone would have been enough, IMO, to induce an extreme partisan of either side to murder.
Brent and Grant did not need to say anything on top of that, at the dinner.
And on a closely related note...we should all bear in mind that this is supposed to be a no personal attack blog...lets keep the focus on the ideas, not the people behind them.
You claim I spread "lies": "Lies" like Sean committed age fraud--fact is Sean is 21 that is what I have claimed.
Articles of Incorporation is the traditional form and label of papers incorporating a business. I don't give a rat's ass what California calls the same thing. The point is moot because BCO with Sean and Grant as active players no longer exists.
Related. You tried to claim that Grant used a different address for contact on BCO 2257 forms. Not true.
Cad produced a MOU document and revealed Sean's address. I pointed out that publicly disclosing the MOU was not well received, this at a point when Cad supported Robert Wagner.
Wagner has been trying to duck his status as a one time Cobra Video model, claims X whored or has whored or is whoring because of working with Cobra Video--that logic includes Robert Wagner by the way and since he is into S&M, would be an active male whore in your logical view Ben. Moreover, Wagner worked as Kocis' Production Assistant, assistant camerman, vetter of models, witness to 2257 documents, all around gopher, and procurer of underage males and arranging of older males to be with Sean in scenes filmed, off the books by you and Kocis, some of those featuring Kocis in 3ways.
Yep, you have a splendid track record of half assed Bullshit you have tried to chase away anyone with opposing views of Robert.
Robert is a coward, a monumental one, and you are his stooge.
VJ I should have chatted with you about this before.
I agree those King Cobra emailers were VERY revealing,,the term that comes to mind is Smarmy!
Bryan belittled all his CobraBoys even as he would praise them for some physical attribute or sexual talent.
The entire Prince Brent the Cobra Prince was Sickening it made me just want to Vomit the idea of any boy sleeping with that man!
You can trace the "falling out" thru those emailers as well,,
Especially August 2004 (when Brent skipped out on Bryan) he had a major meltdown over Sean's uh disappearance and he seemed beside himself over a "security breach"
Some Breech ;-)
It was after Hawaii that the edge comes into Bryans emailers in regards to Brent.
VJ what was more revealing were the chatty Kathy personal emailers to his favorite customers, he was looking for a sympathetic shoulder to bitch about Brent!
rob you have told many lies, you recently backtracked and passed the buck to dear old em. it did not work.
you claimed RW was at Bryans home the night of the murder, you claimed RW stole a 'secret hidden harddrive' so on and so forth... all lies.
ranting to me about your obsession and delusions with RW will get you nowhere.
i keep saying if you have information of illegal activity, report it to the proper authorities, i do. nothing any of us bloggers can do about it.
VJ and Dewayne--
If you can, post a representative sampling. There is nothing like reading the truth straight from King Cobra's own mouth. Besides I do believe it would contribute positively to the education of all here.
If you are naive enough to believe Elm, who is besoughtedly pro-Harlow against the evidence, the same Elm who has an axe to grind and has been wrong on so many concerns and issues arising from this case be my guest. In particular, Harlow with a john the night of Kocis' murder and the collary, the grifting con artists were camping in Pennsylvania, you both deserve one another.
Your BF got himself yelled at and told to knock it off by Melnick, hence, no comments allowed on his blog. Just posts the same old Bullshit he and Kocis started with their shared monikers on Juicy Goo. Robert Wagner has not grown a bit. However, in the same time period, Sean has transformed. A definite marked difference between these two intelligent guys. Wagner needs to get the thorne out of his backside and move on like Sean has done.
Where do you really stand with Elm? On the one hand there are hints that you collaborate; on the other hand there are hints that you both can't get along. When this is coupled with your own spin, when you do spin and are not merely spewing forth ravings against Sean and Grant without substantiation, you bash those of us who support Sean and Grant in this mess.
Let's face facts Ben. Elm is trying to claim that Sean and Robert Wagner are the best of buddies in that Robert hosted Sean during NYC Pride Week Summer of 2005--this was an order Kocis delivered to both young men in order to promote Cobra Video at that time to investors. Not the basis of a friendship as Elm wants readers to believe.
Wagner used the Pennsylvania State Police as the custodian of 2257 records, that would be a problem since the state police do not have those records. They burned in that arson fire at Kocis' home. I am not the only poster to point out that flaw in the Wagner Saga. Jim has done so here as well.
Keep telling us how credible you and Wagner are Ben. We have all read your blog and your ravings elsewhere. Someone presents a contrary view, well you get a tad Medieval--Jody Wheeler, Julien, Elm when you don't like what he posts.
Black's Beach Day 2 transcripts will be a fact-filled epiphany for us all.
Have a nice day Ben :)
Here is an example of Bryan’s writing style form an E-mail he sent to Brent.
I keep thinking of the insanity of a 40 year old man, with a good income, freaking out and bothering with a broke, 18 year old, out of work gay porn actor. There is no love, respect, reason or even sanity here. This is just mindless anger.
Some days before this, Bryan had told Brent he was going to have a poster printed up and put all up and down the west coast exposing his face and real name. Here he describes an image he may have put on that poster had he gone forward.
No doubt Bryan’s clones will feel inspired by their masters illness and try to reproduce the image.
From: CobraVideo@aol.com
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 19;42:21 EDT
Subject: (no subject)
To: [Brent’s email address]
LOL, funny thing is, your new Sugar Daddy is an old man too. Ohh, I’ve come up with your new video title as I’ve been working hard on the poster this week with my graphic designer.. It’s going to be called “BRENT CORRIGAN and his Gold Diggin’, Loose Assed, Cumm Sucking Whoreboys” starring Sean Paul (edit) Lockhart.” We are still working on the bottom graphic of the pic of you with your ass in the ass in the air (Puerto Rico sun bathing) combined with a erect stallion (the horse over you has porn sunglasses, it’s very comical) You have to love Photoshop. Under the picture is the caption that says “Nothing is to big for Sean, for the right $$$$$” I’m predicting it to be a big seller.
You have been to quiet, wonder why???????? To busy with your clients, or did you finally get REAL legal advice?? Hmmm???
Thank you for that revealing email from King Cobra himself, Bryan Charles Kocis. Well, Kocis comes across as a bitter, nasty guy, out to get a poor kid of a working class background.
I commend you for sharing these thoughts from the mind of the ephebophobe genius behind Cobra Video. Englightening as to Kocis' state of mind regarding Sean Lockhart. Reads like a threat.
We have a sophomore at Scoop Jackson High in suburban Seattle with dreams of being in the movies or working in the movies. He devises a plan to slip the leash of diffident parental control and move to southern California and over two years establish residency for UCLA film school. Prefatory to that, he gets online and meets new friends, some of whom turn out to be perfectly nice, and at least one of whom is an adult predator. The predator separates him to some degree from the nice friends and intoduces him to Bryan Kocis, another predator. During this time period, there is further parental diffidence and some shockingly bad security at Kearny High School in San Diego. In normal schools, high school juniors are not allowed to receive cell phone calls or text messages from creeps during class time. The confiscated cell phone is held for the parent to pick up. If the cell phone turns out to belong to a Chris Hernandez or a Bryan Kocis, then law enforcement investigates. Chris Hernandez types who come to the school to pick up students are at competently run schools turned away by security personnel or administrators. Parents and school officials should have questioned an absence from San Diego during Feb 2004, during which time Hernandez and Kocis enticed our high school junior, a minor, to cross state lines from California to Florida for immoral purposes, the filming of segments of the pornographic films Casting Couch 4 and Every Pool Boy's Dream by Bryan Kocis. So far our high school junior, while resisting and evading parental and in loco parentis authority, has not made any competent decision to engage in sexual contact or to perform in a pornographic film. He has so far been influenced by predators acting criminally.
Albert, Geoff
Lovely now if we can just get Crazy Joe committed to the Looney Bin (so we are all Safe from his Slashing Arm) and sentence Harlow to time served we can call it a day and go home!
Of course if Joe & Harlows defense lawyers have any of Bryans emails I think getting a conviction might be a problem.
The Jury needs to have some scrap, some shred of sympathy for the victim.
How is a rural PA jury going to muster much outrage for the murder of a Boy Rapist,Child Pornographer,Sex Offender?
My Outrage was momentary then it passed like a bit of gas.
Having the Kocis family in court to cry crocodile tears won't cut it.
Michael Kocis spawned this monstrosity and the whole family "stood by Bryan" in 2001 giving their wholehearted support for Bryans right to Rape,Molest and Drug a 15 year old boy!
Yes what a fine family of Creapzoids!
Oh I forgot one sister I believe walked away from that Nest of Vipers and she was promptly disowned.
Hope she gets a name change.
If you have read that one E-mail from Bryan to Brent and followed this story, you know Bryan was sick.
He was not unintelligent. In fact it may be that Brent was the first person he ever met with a higher IQ. The thing about IQ is that it is impossible to comprehend the mentality of a person with a higher IQ. We know Albert Einstein was a genius but do you understand how his brain worked? It is one thing to recognize a superior intellect, it is quite another to comprehend it, that cannot be done.
Bryan saw Brent and formed an image in his mind, a comprehension that he did not seem to change.
What he missed by doing that was the true intelligence he was working with. Well, actually that is the problem. He was not working with this intelligence. He was mostly being Bryan.
Brent is young and his hormones are driving him. As an artist he is developing his art, practicing, experimenting, testing. His view is markedly different from others. It may be a decade before his contribution is fully recognized.
I am just an observer in this drama. Brent is SO willing to be observed and hell, he is SO observable. This guy is far from finished. He has not yet begun.
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