Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Fur Flies in Yet Another Escort/Porn Star Murder Scandal

Does Harlow have a "copycat?"

Well known escort/porn star Tiger:

...has been connected with the death of hedge fund manager Seth Tobias:

...oooops wrong photo, try this one:

...ah that's better. According to the New York Times:

"...Bill Ash, a former assistant to Mr. Tobias, said he had told the police that Mrs. Tobias confessed to him that she had cajoled her husband into the water while he was on a cocaine binge with a promise of sex with a male go-go dancer known as Tiger."

...wherein Mr. Tobias apparently had a heart attack, splashing about with said Tiger (or merely in anticipation thereof...who knows?).

Well...I've heard stranger murder-conspiracy theories involving escorts and porn stars, so perhaps this is not all that far-fetched.

Humbly, as always, at your service...jim.

Update: J.C. Adams picks up the story, and adds a few links.

Update 2: J.C. Adams posts an update linking Lexx Parker to Seth Tobias.


Geoff Harvard said...

And to think, both Tobiases would be alive now if only they had sought to bring Tiger to Christ and not coition. O, the fruits of serving mammon.

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Geoff you are Hysterical!

Anonymous said...

Something about that photo of the naked guy with the stripes- kinda hot!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute!
It seems like Tiger was just being a "Tiger"-
It certainly is not his fault if Mr Tobias had a heart attack in anticipation of all that fun animal activity he was going to have. Add to the Cocaine a little Viagra, the Mrs. watching- Tiger with his stripes- who knows, maybe a bit of poppers [if he is into you know what] and there goes Mr Tobias.
of course speculation.

n.c. said...

Jim, you should have a special warning on your blog : "Don't read this while drinking!"
The second picture nearly killed me :-)

Anonymous said...

My friend said to me today, "Tiger is cute but does he bite?"
I could not answer that.
I feel Mrs Tobias should be held not only responsible for Tigers fees [which I hope were paid regardless of outcome of encounter] but also accountable for the wreckless disregard she showed in setting up this situation.
Mr Tobias was in no physical shape at all for a "romp with the tiger", either in or out of the cage.