Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Completely Off Topic Post: Santa's Bailout

Merry Christmas everyone! :-)

Update: And of course, it would not be Christmas without Mason Wyler, the gift who keeps on giving.

And no, he STILL refuses to even acknowledge the photoshopped "black-eye" picture issue. BIG surprise! You notice how he tries to address most every other credibility problem, large and small...besides that one. The black-eye gets the sweep-under-the-rug treatment. AS USUAL!


will g said...

Santa is the corrupt, embezzling CEO of that worldwide Ponzi scheme called Xmas, and shouldn't get a dime of taxpayers' money. Put him behind bars with the rest of the Wall Street crooks.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to all! :)

GorgeousBoys said...

LOL ... funny post. Season Greetings to the Blogmaster and everyone else.

Your friends at GorgeousBoys Online Entertainment Network

DeWayne In San Diego said...

Ah Will perfect sentimental moment
Thanks! ;)

Merry X-mas Jim have a wonderful 2009! Thanks for your unique voice on the Blogsphere!

Albert said...

Merry Christmas to all.

will g said...

You know, I'm totally willing to accept MW at his word that he was raped, even after all of the lying and photoshopping, but he makes it VERY difficult when he takes this defensive tone, and never really ever addresses ANY of the credibilty issues that he brought upon himself. Instead, he gives us the finger. So I have officially lost any interest in the matter. As I said in the JUB thread, it's like banging your head against a wall. And like you said, it's water under the bridge. Who really cares any more?

Well, maybe the next porn star who this maniac stalks and rapes will care, but that doesn't seem to bother him at all, does it? So I'm not going to let it bother me.

Anonymous said...

What I find funny about the update is that Mason Wyler waited until the "clamor" had all died down before he "vented"
I mean, while it was going on -
thread was active, etc.-
you would think he would have vented then-
but no-o-o
he waits until nobody is paying any attention except for his ultra devoted fans to chuck the finger and vent-
I would never have caught this one-

jim said...

Actually, I think the trigger for this latest eruption of Mason indignation was the pre-update Sword post a few days ago.

In terms of web traffic in the gaypornosphere, The Sword is a whale in comparison to this site's minnow (and K[ent] At Night's plankton). So, after The Sword wrote a pretty realistic sum up of all the facts (or lack of) to date, flat out labelling skepticism of Mason's rape claim "justified," Mason and Marcus felt they had to do damage control and leap back into attack mode vs. their critics...again.

And you see, thats the funny thing...all the great hoaxers follow the same pattern...the first instinctive reaction of the hoaxers is to ATTACK the skeptics. You see, it's MY fault Mason's story has bigger holes in it than a Hot Desert Knights video.

LOL, I know...the truth is, this is instinctive anger, and is in reality anger that I (and others) basically caught him committing fraud. Because con men, by and large, tend to get angry at those who expose them.

Had Mason really been raped, his instinctive reaction would have psychologically MUCH different. Had this been real, Mason and Marcus would have APOLOGIZED PROFUSELY for their actions which caused all the doubt in the first place. Butter would have been MELTING in their mouths.

And you notice, they have NEVER apologized. Not once, not ever, not about anything, not to anyone.

Instead, Mason flips the bird at those who dare to point out that the great Mason Wyler's rape tale has serious flaws and unanswered questions.

Psychologically, this to me indicates their guilt as much as all the voluminous evidence against them combined.

Anonymous said...

That is very intersting,
Thank you jim!

will g said...

I know I said I'd lost interest in MW, but I was REALLY annoyed by the new post by Noah Kuttler, who apparently runs Wyler's website (his profile lists Wyler Nation as "his" blog). So I submitted this comment:

"The fact that a person can be legally responsible for their own rape means that the doubters might still not be satisfied after the case, and the public might not be that much safer."

Mason pressing charges and seeing the case through should have NOTHING to do with satisfying the doubters, and should not be predicated on the certainty of a conviction. You would seem to be arguing that all rape victims should weigh the certainty of conviction before pressing charges, and that is not how I see it at all.

One does indeed have a civic duty to the community and to one's fellow citizens to assist in the apprehension of predators REGARDLESS of the fact that the prosecution may not be successful.

How will Mason feel when he reads a future report that one of his fellow porn stars was stalked and brutally raped by this same perpetrator, who would perhaps have been behind bars if he had pursued the case? Even were his case to result in acquittal for the perp, his identity would be known and he thus would be very unlikely to have the opportunity to strike again.

Finally, I really don't think the case you cited is germane. When balancing the liability of the hotel against the victim's, the jury came down on the side of the hotel. HOWEVER, that is not to say that if the rapist had been caught in her case that he would not have been convicted. It's apples and oranges.

jim said...

Boy those Sword (and Dallas Voice) articles really struck a nerve; they are in full circle-the-wagons damage control mode over there at WN, arn't they?


BB said...

"Instead, Mason flips the bird at those who dare to point out that the great Mason Wyler's rape tale has serious flaws and unanswered questions."

So flipping the bird makes you a liar?

Sean Lockhart did this often... over um 'other' issues.

I do not understand why people like you are doing this to MW, care to tell me?

will g said...

Noah Kuttler posted a long response to my post, and I have posted a response to his response. Oy vey.

jim said...

"I do not understand why people like you are doing this to MW, care to tell me?"

Because unfortunately for Mason, there is a long wait between now and the trial, and I figured we all here needed something to occupy our time to fill that vacuum. So I decided to look into this further.

Brent makes an interesting comparison here, in that he has OFTEN apologized to the industry for the one thing he has done wrong - lying to do porn when he was 17. He's given explanations (not excuses) for his actions here, taken full responsibility, and publically apologized innumnerable times.

Everything else Brent has done vs. that contemptable nest of pedophiles that was the Cobra Video was fully and morally justified by the circumstances, and hence no apologies for those acts from him have been given (or are warranted).

jim said...

"Noah Kuttler posted a long response to my post,..."

If I suffer from insomnia anytime in the coming week or so, I'll be sure to read it.

will g said...

I think BB must be joking. He has gone on record calling MW a liar and his rape a "fake" on Elm's blog, I believe, so I think he was being sarcastic. Or have you changed your mind BB?

Anonymous said...

In your commenting over at MW-
you referred to Marcus Wyler as marc?
You still have your mind on marc??

will g said...

I take back my previous comment about BB, who left this comment on MW's rape post:

BB said...

Ignore the fuckers/haters. They try to distract you with their crap. I suggest you stop playing into it.

Look at who those people are... stop wasting your time.

You know the truth, thats all that matters.
December 28, 2008 11:59 AM

SO I dug up this comment on Elm's,apologies to Elm for reposting it here:

BB said...

gee Cedric, for someone who does not give a fuck, you sure ask lots of questions :)

all those questions have been answered before.

as for making sense... you never made any sense of anything you have ranted about.

now your kissing MW ass, you support his FAKE rape. no surprise, typical of you is that.

you support the underdog coz you are a loser yourself.
November 3, 2008 6:58 AM

WTF BB? I guess I'm just confused again.

will g said...

V.J., I noticed that blooper also, but in all fairness Marc is short for Marcus, is it not? Anyway, thanks for pointing it out!

jim said...

Well, people can and do change their mind I guess.

jim said...

"Mason’s choice regarding legal inaction should be viewed as a personal reflection on the inadequacy of the court system and cannot reasonably be used to infer that he is lying about his attack."

LOL, you know what I find most amusing about this statement? The hypocrisy.

Months ago, Mason sycophants like Noah were using the fact that Mason's legal action in filing that initial police report was CONCLUSIVE PROOF the rape was real. Remember? Not merely "infer" mind you, oh no oh no oh no, in their own words, this was "IRREFUTABLE" evidence Mason was telling the gospel truth!

Remember that word, Will? "IRREFUTABLE!"

So, fast forward to today...and now we see action turning into "inaction." And what are we permitted to "infer" from this? NOTHING! Nothing at ALL! Avert your eyes here folks, nothing to see! Move along, MOVE ALONG!...

LOL! Ah, the hypocrisy...

Fact is, what we CAN and SHOULD infer from someone who files a police report, and then immediately refuses to cooperate with that the claim is a hoax. Examine the situation from the POV of a hoaxer: The hoaxer files a police report to give his hoax a patina of realism, and then drops the prosecution of it after that initial PR purpose is served.

An inference with pretty irrefutable logic, if I say so myself.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps bb is just getting flustered that absolutely nothing that he has been ranting and hating and hating and hating about for the last [what? 2-3 years] will come to fruition-
and it is Finally dawning on him-

That has got to hurt!

will g said...

You know Jim, your quoting that passage sent me back there to find it, and I now realize I was so distracted by the utter irrelevancy of the court case that he cited (which he claims he cited BECAUSE it was irrelevant!) that I glossed over that entire last paragraph. I didn't fully comprehend its true horribleness. I will post it here so as not to give the site any more hits:

"Mason’s choice regarding legal inaction should be viewed as a personal reflection on the inadequacy of the court system and cannot reasonably be used to infer that he is lying about his attack. Anyone who knew the first thing about the law could tell you that much, and thus we must assume that those attacking Mason’s choice are misinformed or naïve, and I hope we can all find some sympathy in our hearts for their ridiculous know-it-all grand standing. Everyone will be able to remember fighting with their parents or a teacher as a young child, insisting that they were right and that they knew exactly what the answer to a situation was, only to find out over time that mom and dad or Mrs. Crabapple at Malow Junior High probably had it right. Apparently, some people take more time to grow out of this phase than others, and I for one will be keeping the maturity and developmental progress of those individuals in my prayers. God speed, foolish queens, God speed."

This guy, a first-year law student, will probably make an excellent shyster -- I mean lawyer one day. He's got the "ridiculous know-it-all grand standing" part down pat. It's people like him who we can thank for the "inadequacy of the court system." God speed, foolish queen, God speed.

jim said...

"... I glossed over that entire last paragraph. I didn't fully comprehend its true horribleness."

Yeah, it's a peach, isn't it?

I wonder if he even realizes the hypocrisy involved here?

He obviously can't have it both ways. He can't infer something about an action, then maintain there is no counter-inference when the action stops.

will g said...

It's called double-talk, Jim. That's why he should have a bright future as a lawyer ahead of him.

BB said...

"Because unfortunately for Mason,..."

unfortunate indeed LOL.

BB said...

"WTF BB? I guess I'm just confused again."

awe, poor baby.