For the backstory on this, see here.
My thoughts and observations on the Bryan Kocis murder trial, and the convicted defendants in the case: Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes
"...I’m moving out of the home we live in. I’ve been apartment hunting in San Diego. Grant is really worried about letting me go and he does not want it. But I know that if I get some independence and spend less time here, we will get along better. I know it will take some of the strain off of us. Even if he doesn’t want to admit it, getting some space will save our relationship...."Read the whole thing.
GRANT ROY: (Coughing)... shit, I need some water.
SEAN LOCKHART: I love you.
GRANT ROY: I love you too, just be strong, be strong,...
"Bryan Kocis, Sean Lockhart, Harlow Cuadra, and Joseph Kerekes reinvented themselves online. Military patriotism or fundamentalist faith helped accustom some of them to double lives. But these four were caught up in a mode of reinvention disconnected from the one that in literature and life has united American characters as disparate as Abraham Lincoln, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Horatio Alger, Jay Gatsby, and Tom Ripley.I'll admit my own openness to the theory, having personally catalogued Joe Kerekes' extreme online derangement prior to his arrest.
Those men all left home to start anew. These men just logged on. They created alternate identities in parallel worlds, as most of us do now, imagining that we need not give up anything to do so, believing that our games exact no unrecoverable cost. The difference between us and the characters in the case of the Cobra killer is one of scale, not of kind. Unreal realities, endless flickering between truth and fiction, an addictive stream of possible connections among possible selves, converging in the dead end of a life."
"Roy continued by stating that he and Lockhart subsequently met with Cuadra and Kerekes (aka Trent) for dinner at "Le Cirque", restaurant at the Bellagio Hotel. The foursome discussed conducting business at some point and possibly "trading (pornographic) scenes". Roy advised that LSG could not embark in such an endeavor at that time as they were embroiled in pending litigation with Cobra Video, and more specifically, Bryan Kocis. Cuadra then asked questions such as; "what if Bryan left the country, and what if he went to Canada". Roy stated that Lockhart "had a few drinks in him and didn't understand what Harlow was talking about", and stated; "then he'd only come back". Kerekes then stated that "Harlow knows someone who would do anything for him". Roy stated that as he looked at Harlow, Roy knew that Harlow was talking about killing the victim. Roy then stated to Cuadra that they (Roy and Lockhart) didn't need Kocis to leave the country, and the conversation was switched to another subject."The other competing version out there is the "Angel of Truth" account, posted on Harlow's blog back in August of 2007. There is an excellent discussion of that account on PC's blog here; the relevant quote from it is as follows:
"Then there is the meeting in Vegas with Sean and Grant, Harlow nor Joe approached Sean or Grant about doing anything to Brian, the conversation was the other way around, there is an existing tape, that is the tape that Joe talks about in his email to Sean. The situation at the restaurnt is not as it believed, Sean and Grant gave a good story but Harlow did them one better by breaking two very expensive glasses in the restaurant when they brought up the demise of Bryan, at that point Harlow knocked over the glasses and asked the wait person for the check to get out of there."First of all, lets quickly deal with this supposed "existing tape" AoT refers to. It is my belief that 1) the tape does not exist (see the the comments to the PC post to see the reasoning behind my skepticism); and 2) in the incredibly unlikely event that it does exist, it certainly does not record the AoT version of events; read on to see why.
JOSEPH KEREKES: Can I ask you something?
JOSEPH KEREKES: Did you tell, did you ever tell your lawyer that we all had maybe talked about anything?
JOSEPH KEREKES: Oh, he knows about it?
GRANT ROY: I told him we sat down, had a meeting and y'all brought it up.
JOSEPH KEREKES: Yea, the truth.
And what's Joe response to this? Does he object to the premise, saying "oh no Grant, I don't recall you saying this does not need to happen..." Negative. In fact, the next words out of Joe's mouth are:GRANT ROY: ... ... Ya know when I told you In Vegas, when we were sitting there, and I said, that doesn't need to happen because they're gonna come to me first, and that's exactly what the fuck has been happening, what I've been dealing with, and it's, it's, I'm, I'm not happy and he's' been dealing with it, and he doesn't deserve it, cause he had to fight this Cobra shit for the past two years and now this shit.
JOSEPH KEREKES: I understand if you guys want to leave us alone.
And does Joe deny any of this? NO:GRANT ROY: When we, when we had dinner and you brought that up, I said no, that doesn't need to happen, go home and read his blog, understand there's twenty fuckin pages that say Brent Corrigan and most of it, is because of this fuckin lawsuit we've been involved with, with Cobra, its so fuckin high profile, if anything happens to fuckin Bryan, they're coming after me and him, and me most likely because I was the one that's been most fuckin vocal about this since day one, screaming for everybody to do. their fuckln jobs.
JOSEPH KEREKES: Have they interviewed. you though?
JOSEPH KEREKES: I apologize Grant, for hurting you guys and messing things up, I really do, I messed up our lives too.